#!/usr/bin/zsh zmodload zsh/datetime autoload -Uz \ colors \ compinit \ vcs_info compinit colors autoload -Uz bashcompinit bashcompinit setopt \ ALWAYS_TO_END \ INC_APPEND_HISTORY \ AUTO_CD \ AUTO_PUSHD \ BEEP \ COMPLETE_IN_WORD \ EXTENDED_GLOB \ EXTENDED_HISTORY \ HIST_IGNORE_DUPS \ HIST_IGNORE_SPACE \ HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS \ HIST_VERIFY \ INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS \ LONG_LIST_JOBS \ NOMATCH \ NOTIFY \ PROMPT_SUBST \ PUSHD_IGNORE_DUPS \ PUSHD_MINUS \ SHARE_HISTORY NEWLINE=$'\n' PS_SEPARATOR=" > " function precmd() { vcs_info vcs_info_hookadd set-message vcs_test_hook } VCS_ROOT_DIR='' function +vi-git-vcs-set-message-hook() { VCS_ROOT_DIR="${hook_com[base]}" if [ -z "$VCS_ROOT_DIR" ]; then return fi if [[ "${VCS_ROOT_DIR:0:${#HOME}}" = "${HOME}" ]]; then VCS_ROOT_DIR="~${VCS_ROOT_DIR:${#HOME}}" fi hook_com[misc]="$(2> /dev/null git status --short | awk '{counts[$1]++} END { printed = ""; for (count_type in counts) { printf "%s%%B%s%%b%d", printed, substr(count_type, 1, 1), counts[count_type]; printed = " "; } }')" } zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' formats "%F{green}%b%f %m${PS_SEPARATOR}" zstyle ':vcs_info:git*' actionformats "%F{green}%b%f %K{red}%F{white}(%a)%f%k %B%m%%b${PS_SEPARATOR}" zstyle ':vcs_info:git*+set-message:*' hooks git-vcs-set-message-hook function pretty_pwd() { local CURRENT_DIRECTORY="$PWD" if [[ "${CURRENT_DIRECTORY:0:${#HOME}}" = "${HOME}" ]]; then CURRENT_DIRECTORY="~${CURRENT_DIRECTORY:${#HOME}}" fi if [ -n "$VCS_ROOT_DIR" ] && [[ "${CURRENT_DIRECTORY:0:${#VCS_ROOT_DIR}}" = "${VCS_ROOT_DIR}" ]]; then local VCS_ROOT_DIR_BASENAME="${VCS_ROOT_DIR##*/}" local VCS_ROOT_DIR_BASENAME_COLORIZED='%B${VCS_ROOT_DIR_BASENAME}%b' local COLORIZED_VCS_ROOT_DIR="${VCS_ROOT_DIR/%${VCS_ROOT_DIR_BASENAME}/${VCS_ROOT_DIR_BASENAME_COLORIZED}}" CURRENT_DIRECTORY="${COLORIZED_VCS_ROOT_DIR}${CURRENT_DIRECTORY:${#VCS_ROOT_DIR}}" fi print -P "%F{blue}${CURRENT_DIRECTORY}%f" } function ps1_ssh() { if [ -z "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]; then return fi echo "SSH from ${SSH_CONNECTION%% *}${PS_SEPARATOR}" } export PS1="%(?..%K{red}%F{white}%?%f%k${PS_SEPARATOR})\$(pretty_pwd)${PS_SEPARATOR}\${vcs_info_msg_0_}%F{${color[grey]:-white}}%*%f${NEWLINE}%(!.%F{red}#.%F{yellow}\$)%f " export RPS1="%F{${color[grey]:-white}}\$(ps1_ssh)%n@%m%f" HISTFILE="${HOME}/.histfile" HISTSIZE=10485760 SAVEHIST=10485760 bindkey '^R' history-incremental-search-backward bindkey -e zstyle ':completion:*' menu select # case-insensitive,partial-word and then substring completion zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*' bindkey '^[[Z' reverse-menu-complete export TERM='xterm-256color' ZSH_COMPLETIONS_DIR="${HOME}/.zcompletions" mkdir -p "$ZSH_COMPLETIONS_DIR" fpath=("$ZSH_COMPLETIONS_DIR" $fpath) # load any file that ends with .zsh or .sh and is executable for SCRIPT in "${HOME}/.zshrc.d"/**/(.|?)*(.zsh|.sh); do if ! [ -x "${SCRIPT}" ]; then continue fi source "${SCRIPT}" done compinit bashcompinit