2017-06-22 19:25:38 -04:00

109 lines
1.8 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package shepard;
service sheepmq {
// Add the given items to the queue
rpc AddItem(stream Item) returns (stream Response) {}
// Get the given items per the info provided
rpc GetItem(GetInfo) returns (stream Item) {}
// Delete the given items if possible
rpc DelItem(DelInfo) returns (Response) {}
// Error the given items if possible
rpc ErrItem(ErrInfo) returns (Response) {}
message Response {
// whether or not the operation was successful
bool success = 1;
// the amount of items affected
uint64 count = 2;
// error message on failure
string msg = 3;
message Item {
// the id for this item
uint64 id = 1;
// the arbitrary data for this item
bytes data = 2;
// the queue for this item
string queue = 3;
// error queue to cycle items to
string errorQueue = 4;
// error queue TTL in nanoseconds
sfixed64 errorTTL = 5;
// the Unix time (in seconds) in which this item was created
sfixed64 ctime = 6;
// the Unix time (in seconds) in which this item was errored last
sfixed64 etime = 7;
// the amount of times this item was errored
uint32 ecount = 8;
// arbitrary statistical sizes to record for this item
map<string, int64> stats = 9;
// future proof?
reserved 10 to 15;
message GetInfo {
string queue = 1;
// the amount of items to try and pull
uint64 count = 2;
TimeLease timeoutLease = 3;
PidLease pidLease = 4;
HeartbeatLease heartLease = 5;
// future proof?
reserved 6 to 10;
message TimeLease {
// TTL in nanoseconds to hold the lease
sfixed64 ttl = 1;
message PidLease {
uint32 pid = 1;
message HeartbeatLease {
string id = 1;
sfixed64 ttl = 2;
message DelInfo {
string queue = 1;
repeated uint64 ids = 2;
// future proof?
reserved 3 to 10;
message ErrInfo {
string queue = 1;
repeated uint64 ids = 2;
// future proof?
reserved 3 to 10;