/* * * Copyright 2017 gRPC authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package grpc import ( "fmt" "math" "testing" "time" "golang.org/x/net/context" "google.golang.org/grpc/balancer" "google.golang.org/grpc/balancer/roundrobin" "google.golang.org/grpc/connectivity" _ "google.golang.org/grpc/grpclog/glogger" "google.golang.org/grpc/internal/leakcheck" "google.golang.org/grpc/resolver" "google.golang.org/grpc/resolver/manual" ) var _ balancer.Builder = &magicalLB{} var _ balancer.Balancer = &magicalLB{} // magicalLB is a ringer for grpclb. It is used to avoid circular dependencies on the grpclb package type magicalLB struct{} func (b *magicalLB) Name() string { return "grpclb" } func (b *magicalLB) Build(cc balancer.ClientConn, opts balancer.BuildOptions) balancer.Balancer { return b } func (b *magicalLB) HandleSubConnStateChange(balancer.SubConn, connectivity.State) {} func (b *magicalLB) HandleResolvedAddrs([]resolver.Address, error) {} func (b *magicalLB) Close() {} func init() { balancer.Register(&magicalLB{}) } func checkPickFirst(cc *ClientConn, servers []*server) error { var ( req = "port" reply string err error ) connected := false for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { if err = cc.Invoke(context.Background(), "/foo/bar", &req, &reply); errorDesc(err) == servers[0].port { if connected { // connected is set to false if peer is not server[0]. So if // connected is true here, this is the second time we saw // server[0] in a row. Break because pickfirst is in effect. break } connected = true } else { connected = false } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !connected { return fmt.Errorf("pickfirst is not in effect after 5 second, EmptyCall() = _, %v, want _, %v", err, servers[0].port) } // The following RPCs should all succeed with the first server. for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { err = cc.Invoke(context.Background(), "/foo/bar", &req, &reply) if errorDesc(err) != servers[0].port { return fmt.Errorf("Index %d: want peer %v, got peer %v", i, servers[0].port, err) } } return nil } func checkRoundRobin(cc *ClientConn, servers []*server) error { var ( req = "port" reply string err error ) // Make sure connections to all servers are up. for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { // Do this check twice, otherwise the first RPC's transport may still be // picked by the closing pickfirst balancer, and the test becomes flaky. for _, s := range servers { var up bool for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { if err = cc.Invoke(context.Background(), "/foo/bar", &req, &reply); errorDesc(err) == s.port { up = true break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !up { return fmt.Errorf("server %v is not up within 5 second", s.port) } } } serverCount := len(servers) for i := 0; i < 3*serverCount; i++ { err = cc.Invoke(context.Background(), "/foo/bar", &req, &reply) if errorDesc(err) != servers[i%serverCount].port { return fmt.Errorf("Index %d: want peer %v, got peer %v", i, servers[i%serverCount].port, err) } } return nil } func TestSwitchBalancer(t *testing.T) { defer leakcheck.Check(t) r, rcleanup := manual.GenerateAndRegisterManualResolver() defer rcleanup() numServers := 2 servers, _, scleanup := startServers(t, numServers, math.MaxInt32) defer scleanup() cc, err := Dial(r.Scheme()+":///test.server", WithInsecure(), WithCodec(testCodec{})) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to dial: %v", err) } defer cc.Close() r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: servers[0].addr}, {Addr: servers[1].addr}}) // The default balancer is pickfirst. if err := checkPickFirst(cc, servers); err != nil { t.Fatalf("check pickfirst returned non-nil error: %v", err) } // Switch to roundrobin. cc.handleServiceConfig(`{"loadBalancingPolicy": "round_robin"}`) if err := checkRoundRobin(cc, servers); err != nil { t.Fatalf("check roundrobin returned non-nil error: %v", err) } // Switch to pickfirst. cc.handleServiceConfig(`{"loadBalancingPolicy": "pick_first"}`) if err := checkPickFirst(cc, servers); err != nil { t.Fatalf("check pickfirst returned non-nil error: %v", err) } } // Test that balancer specified by dial option will not be overridden. func TestBalancerDialOption(t *testing.T) { defer leakcheck.Check(t) r, rcleanup := manual.GenerateAndRegisterManualResolver() defer rcleanup() numServers := 2 servers, _, scleanup := startServers(t, numServers, math.MaxInt32) defer scleanup() cc, err := Dial(r.Scheme()+":///test.server", WithInsecure(), WithCodec(testCodec{}), WithBalancerName(roundrobin.Name)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to dial: %v", err) } defer cc.Close() r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: servers[0].addr}, {Addr: servers[1].addr}}) // The init balancer is roundrobin. if err := checkRoundRobin(cc, servers); err != nil { t.Fatalf("check roundrobin returned non-nil error: %v", err) } // Switch to pickfirst. cc.handleServiceConfig(`{"loadBalancingPolicy": "pick_first"}`) // Balancer is still roundrobin. if err := checkRoundRobin(cc, servers); err != nil { t.Fatalf("check roundrobin returned non-nil error: %v", err) } } // First addr update contains grpclb. func TestSwitchBalancerGRPCLBFirst(t *testing.T) { defer leakcheck.Check(t) r, rcleanup := manual.GenerateAndRegisterManualResolver() defer rcleanup() cc, err := Dial(r.Scheme()+":///test.server", WithInsecure(), WithCodec(testCodec{})) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to dial: %v", err) } defer cc.Close() // ClientConn will switch balancer to grpclb when receives an address of // type GRPCLB. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend"}, {Addr: "grpclb", Type: resolver.GRPCLB}}) var isGRPCLB bool for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isGRPCLB = cc.curBalancerName == "grpclb" cc.mu.Unlock() if isGRPCLB { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isGRPCLB { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not grpclb", cc.curBalancerName) } // New update containing new backend and new grpclb. Should not switch // balancer. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend2"}, {Addr: "grpclb2", Type: resolver.GRPCLB}}) for i := 0; i < 200; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isGRPCLB = cc.curBalancerName == "grpclb" cc.mu.Unlock() if !isGRPCLB { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isGRPCLB { t.Fatalf("within 200 ms, cc.balancer switched to !grpclb, want grpclb") } var isPickFirst bool // Switch balancer to pickfirst. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend"}}) for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isPickFirst = cc.curBalancerName == PickFirstBalancerName cc.mu.Unlock() if isPickFirst { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isPickFirst { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not pick_first", cc.curBalancerName) } } // First addr update does not contain grpclb. func TestSwitchBalancerGRPCLBSecond(t *testing.T) { defer leakcheck.Check(t) r, rcleanup := manual.GenerateAndRegisterManualResolver() defer rcleanup() cc, err := Dial(r.Scheme()+":///test.server", WithInsecure(), WithCodec(testCodec{})) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to dial: %v", err) } defer cc.Close() r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend"}}) var isPickFirst bool for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isPickFirst = cc.curBalancerName == PickFirstBalancerName cc.mu.Unlock() if isPickFirst { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isPickFirst { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not pick_first", cc.curBalancerName) } // ClientConn will switch balancer to grpclb when receives an address of // type GRPCLB. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend"}, {Addr: "grpclb", Type: resolver.GRPCLB}}) var isGRPCLB bool for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isGRPCLB = cc.curBalancerName == "grpclb" cc.mu.Unlock() if isGRPCLB { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isGRPCLB { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not grpclb", cc.curBalancerName) } // New update containing new backend and new grpclb. Should not switch // balancer. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend2"}, {Addr: "grpclb2", Type: resolver.GRPCLB}}) for i := 0; i < 200; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isGRPCLB = cc.curBalancerName == "grpclb" cc.mu.Unlock() if !isGRPCLB { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isGRPCLB { t.Fatalf("within 200 ms, cc.balancer switched to !grpclb, want grpclb") } // Switch balancer back. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend"}}) for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isPickFirst = cc.curBalancerName == PickFirstBalancerName cc.mu.Unlock() if isPickFirst { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isPickFirst { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not pick_first", cc.curBalancerName) } } // Test that if the current balancer is roundrobin, after switching to grpclb, // when the resolved address doesn't contain grpclb addresses, balancer will be // switched back to roundrobin. func TestSwitchBalancerGRPCLBRoundRobin(t *testing.T) { defer leakcheck.Check(t) r, rcleanup := manual.GenerateAndRegisterManualResolver() defer rcleanup() cc, err := Dial(r.Scheme()+":///test.server", WithInsecure(), WithCodec(testCodec{})) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to dial: %v", err) } defer cc.Close() r.NewServiceConfig(`{"loadBalancingPolicy": "round_robin"}`) r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend"}}) var isRoundRobin bool for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isRoundRobin = cc.curBalancerName == "round_robin" cc.mu.Unlock() if isRoundRobin { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isRoundRobin { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not round_robin", cc.curBalancerName) } // ClientConn will switch balancer to grpclb when receives an address of // type GRPCLB. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "grpclb", Type: resolver.GRPCLB}}) var isGRPCLB bool for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isGRPCLB = cc.curBalancerName == "grpclb" cc.mu.Unlock() if isGRPCLB { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isGRPCLB { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not grpclb", cc.curBalancerName) } // Switch balancer back. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend"}}) for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isRoundRobin = cc.curBalancerName == "round_robin" cc.mu.Unlock() if isRoundRobin { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isRoundRobin { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not round_robin", cc.curBalancerName) } } // Test that if resolved address list contains grpclb, the balancer option in // service config won't take effect. But when there's no grpclb address in a new // resolved address list, balancer will be switched to the new one. func TestSwitchBalancerGRPCLBServiceConfig(t *testing.T) { defer leakcheck.Check(t) r, rcleanup := manual.GenerateAndRegisterManualResolver() defer rcleanup() cc, err := Dial(r.Scheme()+":///test.server", WithInsecure(), WithCodec(testCodec{})) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("failed to dial: %v", err) } defer cc.Close() r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend"}}) var isPickFirst bool for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isPickFirst = cc.curBalancerName == PickFirstBalancerName cc.mu.Unlock() if isPickFirst { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isPickFirst { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not pick_first", cc.curBalancerName) } // ClientConn will switch balancer to grpclb when receives an address of // type GRPCLB. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "grpclb", Type: resolver.GRPCLB}}) var isGRPCLB bool for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isGRPCLB = cc.curBalancerName == "grpclb" cc.mu.Unlock() if isGRPCLB { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isGRPCLB { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not grpclb", cc.curBalancerName) } r.NewServiceConfig(`{"loadBalancingPolicy": "round_robin"}`) var isRoundRobin bool for i := 0; i < 200; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isRoundRobin = cc.curBalancerName == "round_robin" cc.mu.Unlock() if isRoundRobin { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } // Balancer should NOT switch to round_robin because resolved list contains // grpclb. if isRoundRobin { t.Fatalf("within 200 ms, cc.balancer switched to round_robin, want grpclb") } // Switch balancer back. r.NewAddress([]resolver.Address{{Addr: "backend"}}) for i := 0; i < 5000; i++ { cc.mu.Lock() isRoundRobin = cc.curBalancerName == "round_robin" cc.mu.Unlock() if isRoundRobin { break } time.Sleep(time.Millisecond) } if !isRoundRobin { t.Fatalf("after 5 second, cc.balancer is of type %v, not round_robin", cc.curBalancerName) } }