# Set an output prefix, which is the local directory if not specified PREFIX?=$(shell pwd) BUILDTAGS= .PHONY: clean all fmt vet lint build test install static .DEFAULT: default all: clean build fmt lint test vet install build: @echo "+ $@" @go build -tags "$(BUILDTAGS) cgo" . static: @echo "+ $@" CGO_ENABLED=1 go build -tags "$(BUILDTAGS) cgo static_build" -ldflags "-w -extldflags -static" -o reg . fmt: @echo "+ $@" @gofmt -s -l . | grep -v vendor | tee /dev/stderr lint: @echo "+ $@" @golint ./... | grep -v vendor | tee /dev/stderr test: @echo "+ $@" @go get github.com/labstack/echo @go get github.com/labstack/echo/middleware @go test -v -tags "$(BUILDTAGS) cgo" $(shell go list ./... | grep -v vendor) vet: @echo "+ $@" @go vet $(shell go list ./... | grep -v vendor) clean: @echo "+ $@" @rm -rf reg @rm -rf $(CURDIR)/.certs install: @echo "+ $@" @go install . # set the graph driver as the current graphdriver if not set DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER := $(if $(DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER),$(DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER),$(shell docker info 2>&1 | grep "Storage Driver" | sed 's/.*: //')) export DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER # if this session isn't interactive, then we don't want to allocate a # TTY, which would fail, but if it is interactive, we do want to attach # so that the user can send e.g. ^C through. INTERACTIVE := $(shell [ -t 0 ] && echo 1 || echo 0) ifeq ($(INTERACTIVE), 1) DOCKER_FLAGS += -t endif .PHONY: dind DIND_CONTAINER=reg-dind DIND_DOCKER_IMAGE=r.j3ss.co/docker:userns dind: docker build --rm --force-rm -f Dockerfile.dind -t $(DIND_DOCKER_IMAGE) . docker run -d \ -v /var/lib/docker2:/var/lib/docker \ --name $(DIND_CONTAINER) \ --privileged \ -v $(CURDIR)/.certs:/etc/docker/ssl \ -v $(CURDIR):/go/src/github.com/jessfraz/reg \ -v /tmp:/tmp \ $(DIND_DOCKER_IMAGE) \ docker daemon -D --storage-driver $(DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER) \ -H tcp:// \ --host=unix:///var/run/docker.sock \ --disable-legacy-registry=true \ --exec-opt=native.cgroupdriver=cgroupfs \ --insecure-registry localhost:5000 \ --tlsverify \ --tlscacert=/etc/docker/ssl/ca.pem \ --tlskey=/etc/docker/ssl/key.pem \ --tlscert=/etc/docker/ssl/cert.pem .PHONY: dtest DOCKER_IMAGE := reg-dev dtest: docker build --rm --force-rm -f Dockerfile.dev -t $(DOCKER_IMAGE) . docker run --rm -i $(DOCKER_FLAGS) \ -v $(CURDIR):/go/src/github.com/jessfraz/reg \ --workdir /go/src/github.com/jessfraz/reg \ -v $(CURDIR)/.certs:/etc/docker/ssl:ro \ -v /tmp:/tmp \ --net container:$(DIND_CONTAINER) \ -e DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// \ -e DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=true \ -e DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/etc/docker/ssl \ -e DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.23 \ $(DOCKER_IMAGE) \ make test