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# Change Log
## [v1.4.1]( (2018-05-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Next release ? [\#605](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Translate gRPC FailedPrecondition as HTTP PreconditionFailed [\#657]( ([slomek](
## [v1.4.0]( (2018-05-20)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- customize the error return [\#405](
- Support map type in query string [\#316](
- gRPC gateway Bazel build rules [\#66](
- Support bytes fields in path parameter [\#5](
**Closed issues:**
- the protoc\_gen\_swagger bazel rule generates non working import path. [\#633](
- code.NotFound should return a 404 instead of a 405 [\#630](
- field in query path not found [\#629](
- how to use client pool in the gateway? [\#612](
- pass http request uri to grpc server [\#587](
- bidi streams have racy read caused by goroutine that closes over local variable [\#583](
- Streamed response is not valid json \(or: is this the expected format?\) [\#581](
- Import "google/api/annotations.proto" was not found or had errors. [\#574](
- is there has a way to let grpc-gateway server support multiple endpoints [\#573](
- would it be possible to avoid vendoring "third\_party/googleapis/" [\#572](
- Path parameters can't have URL encoded values [\#566](
- Is there anyway to output the access log of grpc gateway [\#556](
- proto: no slice oenc for \*reflect.rtype = \[\]\*reflect.rtype [\#551](
- autoreconf not found [\#549](
- \[feature\]combine expvar into grpc-gateway [\#542](
- Source code still imports "" [\#533](
- Incorrect error message when execute protoc-gen-grpc-gateway to HTTP GET method with BODY [\#531](
- add support for the google.api.HttpBody proto as a request [\#528](
- Prefixed model names in generated swagger spec [\#525](
- Better format for error.message in stream [\#519](
- Getting this on go get . in the src directory: HelloService.pb.go:20:8 - no Go files in \go\src\google\api [\#518](
- ci: set up codecov [\#513](
- protoc-gen-swagger not using description field of info swagger object [\#511](
- Cut a minor release for [\#506](
- bug: uncapitalized service name causes runtime error unknown function in [\#484](
- RESOURCE\_EXHAUSTED -\> 503 [\#431](
- Adding authentication definitions to generated swagger files [\#428](
- Move to stdlib context over x/net/context [\#326](
- deprecate 1.6 and embrace \(\*http.Request\).Context by default [\#313](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Generate a single swagger definition on demand [\#658]( ([achew22](
- Regenerate example files [\#656]( ([achew22](
- Add v1.4.0 changelog [\#655]( ([achew22](
- Add for examples [\#645]( ([liukgg](
- JSONPb marshaler panics if input is nil interface [\#639]( ([jhump](
- provide access to underlying \*json.Decoder from JSONPb.NewDecoder [\#637]( ([jhump](
- fix compile errors caused by protobuf finally merging their dev branch to master [\#636]( ([jhump](
- Generate import mappings. [\#635]( ([ensonic](
- Add support for the grpc\_api\_configuration option in the bazel rule. [\#632]( ([ensonic](
- Use repo relative labels in protoc-gen-swagger [\#631]( ([achew22](
- Correct dependencies in Makefile [\#626]( ([yugui](
- Avoid timing issues in the integration tests [\#624]( ([yugui](
- Fix typos in gRPC API Configuration usage documentation [\#623]( ([hacst](
- Skip unnecessary steps in USE\_BAZEL builds on TravisCI [\#622]( ([yugui](
- Support param for field from Oneof definition. [\#621]( ([bonafideyan](
- Fixes file integrity errors on TravisCI [\#619]( ([yugui](
- Reorganize examples [\#618]( ([yugui](
- Update dependency declarations in the Makefile [\#617]( ([yugui](
- Support delete method in swagger generator [\#616]( ([blackdahila](
- feat\(bazel\): Add rule for generating .swagger.json files [\#613]( ([mrmeku](
- Support UNIX domain socket in the example servers [\#609]( ([yugui](
- misspelling [\#601]( ([chemidy](
- Pulled out parseReq func into a generic package + tests [\#600]( ([f0rmiga](
- Added Bazel support [\#599]( ([f0rmiga](
- Add basic docs section [\#597]( ([achew22](
- Upgrade to go1.10 and regenerate [\#596]( ([achew22](
- Support cases where the request is done with transfer-encoding chunked [\#589]( ([jacksontj](
- Support multiple metadata annotators [\#586]( ([dmacthedestroyer](
- Changed to use more appropriate http status code for ResourceExhausted [\#580]( ([eleniums](
- fix racy access of err variable [\#575]( ([jhump](
- runtime: return 503 not 403 with ResourceExhausted. [\#569]( ([hexfusion](
- \[\]byte in query now uses base64.StdEncoding [\#565]( ([lucasvo](
- Add 3rd party rpc protos in order to have access to status and error [\#563]( ([rvegas](
- Add details to stream error response [\#561]( ([johanbrandhorst](
- fix noenc error by fixing Details error field [\#557]( ([srenatus](
- error details: add @type key by switching to any.Any [\#553]( ([srenatus](
- Add a FAQ [\#550]( ([achew22](
- Add security fields support to protoc-gen-swagger [\#547]( ([ivucica](
- Omit well-known type definitions from swagger output [\#541]( ([alexleigh](
- Use importPath to set package name rather than package path. [\#537]( ([rwlincoln](
- Support for map type in query string [\#535]( ([adamstruck](
- Fix error message in protoc-gen-grpc-gateway \(for \#531\) [\#532]( ([budougumi0617](
- runtime: support FieldMask as query param [\#529]( ([glerchundi](
- Fix decoding empty request body [\#527]( ([syhpoon](
- Add description, summary and tags fields in operationObject \(swagger\) [\#526]( ([devnull-](
- Converts the first letter of service name to uppercase [\#522]( ([thurt](
- Add support for basic gRPC API Configuration YAML files [\#521]( ([hacst](
- Fix travis to only difftest on go 1.9 [\#520]( ([achew22](
- add error details to error json [\#515]( ([srenatus](
- ci: add codecov [\#514]( ([tmc](
- Generate "Description" and "TermsOfService" fields [\#512]( ([lukasmalkmus](
- Release 1.3.1 [\#509]( ([tmc](
- Support mapping bytes to \[\]byte [\#489]( ([loderunner](
- properly respect file flag for protoc-gen-swagger [\#293]( ([tmc](
## [v1.3.1]( (2017-12-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Support import\_path? [\#443](
**Closed issues:**
- protoc-gen-swagger missing definition issue [\#504](
- Are gateway metrics available? [\#498](
- Backwards incompatible change to chunked encoding [\#495](
- Map of list [\#493](
- Repeated nested messages doesn't work in GET requests queries. [\#492](
- How to run `makefile` for this repo? [\#491](
- all SubConns are in TransientFailure [\#490](
- Appengine Standard Environment: "not an Appengine context" [\#487](
- Enum Path Parameter to Swagger [\#486](
- Should v1.3 be also tagged as v1.3.0? [\#483](
- HTTP response is not correct json encoded if the grpc return stream of objects. [\#481](
- Support JSON-RPCv2 [\#477](
- Naming convention? [\#475](
- Request context not being used [\#470](
- Generate Swagger documentation [\#469](
- Support Request | make: swagger-codegen: Command not found [\#468](
- How do you generate a swagger yaml file instead of json? [\#467](
- Add default support for proto over http [\#465](
- Allow compiling the gateway code to a different go package [\#463](
- support google.api.HttpBody [\#457](
- \[swagger bug\] with google/protobuf/wrappers.proto [\#453](
- The tensorflow serving support RESTful api{"error":"json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type \[\]json.RawMessage","code":3} [\#444](
- choose some return fields omit or not omit by configure [\#439](
- swagger title and version hardcoded [\#437](
- Change the path though http header [\#424](
- google/protobuf/descriptor.proto: File not found [\#422](
- Output file will not compile if the .proto file does not contain a service with parameters in the url path [\#389](
- Scaling support [\#381](
- I cannot get the default value from client side [\#380](
- Problem with Generated annotations.proto file [\#377](
- Release 1.3.0 [\#357](
- swagger: Unclear comments' parser behaviour [\#352](
- Support semicolon syntax in go\_package protobuf option [\#341](
- Add SOAP proxy [\#339](
- Support combination of query params and body for POSTs [\#234](
- Interceptor [\#221](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add support for --Import\_path [\#507]( ([achew22](
- Fix \#504 Missing Definitions [\#505]( ([warmans](
- Maintain default delimiter of newline [\#497]( ([jacksontj](
- Fix gen-swagger to support more well known types [\#496]( ([shouichi](
- Use golang/protobuf instead of gogo/protobuf [\#494]( ([shouichi](
- Fix stream delimiters [\#488]( ([afking](
- ForwardResponseStream status code errors [\#482]( ([afking](
- protoc-gen-grpc-gateway: flip request\_context default to true [\#474]( ([srenatus](
- grpc-gateway/generator: respect full package [\#462]( ([glerchundi](
- Add proto marshaller for proto-over-http [\#459]( ([MatthewDolan](
## [v1.3.0]( (2017-11-03)
[Full Changelog](
## [v1.3]( (2017-11-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Extract basic auth from URL [\#480](
- Lack of "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" [\#476](
- question: how to indicate whether call is through grpc gateway [\#456](
- How to define this restful api using pb? [\#452](
- how to output field as an array of json values? [\#449](
- How do I override maxMsgSize? [\#445](
- OpenAPI spec is generated with duplicated operation IDs. [\#442](
- This process seems to generate conflicting code with go-micro [\#440](
- any way to let int64 marshal to int not string? [\#438](
- Support streaming [\#435](
- Update DO NOT EDIT header in generated files [\#433](
- generate code use context not "" [\#430](
- Replace \n with spaces in swagger definitions [\#426](
- \[question\]Is there any example for http headers process? [\#420](
- Is there any way to support a multipart form request? [\#410](
- Not able to pass allow\_delete\_body to protoc-gen-grpc-gateway. [\#402](
- returned errors should conform to google.rpc.Status [\#399](
- Is there any way to generate python gateway code? [\#398](
- how to handle arbitrary \(json\) structs [\#395](
- \[question\]can give a url with query sting demo? [\#394](
- \[question\]the swagger url generated is what? [\#393](
- \[Question\] How do I use semantic versions? [\#392](
- \[question\]how to run examples? [\#391](
- Why does gateway use ServerMetadata? [\#388](
- Can't generate code with last version [\#384](
- is it ready for production use? [\#382](
- Support Google Flatbuffers [\#376](
- calling Enum by string name in requests using gogo/protobuf results in error. [\#372](
- Definitions containing URLs with trailing slashes won't compile [\#370](
- Should metadata annotator include the headers from incoming matcher? [\#368](
- metadata.NewOutgoingContext is undefined [\#364](
- Why does not gateway forward headers as-is? [\#311](
- Question: Why passing context to RegisterMyServiceHandler is required? [\#301](
- Allow whitelisting of particular HTTP headers to map to metadata. [\#253](
- Swagger definitions don't handle parameters that are not explicitly required in the url [\#159](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fix wrong method names [\#603]( ([yugui](
- Streaming forward handler fix chunk encoding [\#479]( ([afking](
- Fix logic handling primitive wrapper in URL params [\#478]( ([tgeng](
- runtime: use r.Context\(\) [\#473]( ([srenatus](
- Optional SourceCodeInfo [\#466]( ([afking](
- Some steps to fix Travis CI [\#461]( ([AlekSi](
- fix 2 typos in Registry.SetPrefix's comment [\#455]( ([hectorj](
- Add Handler method to pass in client [\#454]( ([jacksontj](
- Fallback to JSON name when matching URL parameter. [\#450]( ([tgeng](
- Update DO NOT EDIT template. [\#434]( ([AlekSi](
- Memoise calls to fullyQualifiedNameToSwaggerName to speed it up for large registries [\#421]( ([peterebden](
- Update Swagger Codegen from 2.1.6 to 2.2.2 [\#415]( ([yugui](
- Return codes.InvalidArgument to rather return HTTP 400 instead of HTTP 500 [\#409]( ([vaporz](
- improve {incoming,outgoing}HeaderMatcher logic [\#408]( ([flisky](
- improve WKT handling in gateway and openapi output [\#404]( ([tmc](
- Return if runtime.AnnotateContext gave error [\#403]( ([tamalsaha](
- jsonpb: update tests to reflect new jsonpb behavior [\#401]( ([tmc](
- Reference import grpc Status to suppress unused errors. [\#387]( ([tamalsaha](
- ci: regen with current protoc-gen-go [\#385]( ([tmc](
- Use status package for error and introduce WithProtoErrorHandler option [\#378]( ([kazegusuri](
- Return response headers from grpc server [\#374]( ([tamalsaha](
- Skip unreferenced messages in definitions. [\#371]( ([Lantame](
- Use canonical header form in default header matcher. [\#369]( ([tamalsaha](
- support allow\_delete\_body for protoc-gen-grpc-gateway [\#318]( ([flisky](
- fixes package name override doesn't work [\#277]( ([favadi](
- add custom options to allow more control of swagger/openapi output [\#145]( ([ivucica](
## [v1.2.2]( (2017-04-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add changelog for 1.2.2 [\#363]( ([tmc](
- metadata: fix properly and change to Outgoing [\#361]( ([tmc](
## [v1.2.1]( (2017-04-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- reflect upstream grpc metadata api change [\#358](
**Closed issues:**
- Empty value omitted [\#355](
- Must generate reverse proxy in same package? [\#353](
- Release 1.2.0 [\#340](
- Cut another release [\#278](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add changelog for 1.2.1 [\#360]( ([tmc](
- bugfix: reflect upstream api change. [\#359]( ([tmc](
## [v1.2.0]( (2017-03-31)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Problem with \*.proto as "no buildable Go source files" [\#338](
- Invalid import during code generation [\#337](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add changelog for 1.2.0 [\#342]( ([tmc](
## [v1.2.0.rc1]( (2017-03-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Support for Any types [\#80](
- improve\(genswagger:template\):added support for google.protobuf.Timestamp [\#209]( ([EranAvidor](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Support for multi-segment elements [\#122](
**Closed issues:**
- Go get breaks with autogenerated code [\#331](
- Fresh install no longer generates necessary `google/api/annotations.pb.go` & `google/api/http.pb.go` files. [\#327](
- Panic with query parameters [\#324](
- Swagger-UI query parameters for enum types are sent as strings [\#320](
- hide the object name in the response [\#317](
- Package imported but not used [\#310](
- Authorization headers aren't specified in Swagger.json [\#309](
- Generating swagger version, contact name etc in generated docs [\#303](
- Feature request: custom content type per service and rpc [\#302](
- Reference: another RESTful api-gateway [\#299](
- Integration with other languages is partially broken [\#298](
- jsonpb convert int64 to integer instead of string [\#296](
- default enum value is omitted [\#294](
- Advice: could we simplify the flow as the below [\#292](
- examples/browser test failure: TypeError: undefined is not a function \(evaluating 'window.location.protocol.startsWith\('chrome-extension'\)'\) [\#287](
- ./entrypoint.go:25: undefined: api.RegisterYourServiceHandlerFromEndpoint [\#285](
- Query params not handled in swagger file [\#284](
- Please help: google/api/annotations.proto: File not found. [\#283](
- Option to Allow Swagger for DELETEs with a body [\#279](
- client declared and not used compilation error, after recent upgrade [\#276](
- feature request / idea: generating JSONRPC2 client proxies from GRPC [\#272](
- protoc-swagger-generator messes up the comments if there is rpc method that does not have rest [\#263](
- Swagger Gen: underscores -\> lowerCamelCase field names and refs [\#261](
- Timestamp as URL param causes bad request error [\#260](
- "proto: no coders for int" printed whenever a gRPC error is returned over grpc-gateway. [\#259](
- Compatibility with grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion4 [\#258](
- How to use circuit breaker in this grpc gateway? [\#257](
- cannot use example code to generate [\#255](
- tests fail on go tip due to importing of main packages in test [\#250](
- Add NGINX support [\#249](
- Error when reverse proxy to gRPC server \(which is impl with Node.js\) [\#246](
- Error output titlecase instead of lowercase [\#243](
- Option field "\(google.api.http\)" is not a field or extension of message "ServiceOptions" [\#241](
- Implement credentials handler in-box [\#238](
- Proposal: Support WKT structs for URL params [\#237](
- Example of /} in path template [\#232](
- Serving swagger.json from runtime mux? [\#230](
- ETCDclientv3 build error with the latest changes -\_jsonpb.go:114: undefined: jsonpb.Unmarshaler [\#226](
- Map in GET request [\#223](
- HTTPS no longer works [\#220](
- --swagger\_out plugin translates proto type int64 to string in Swagger specification [\#219](
- Response body as a single field [\#217](
- documentation of semantics of endpoint declarations [\#212](
- gen-swagger does not generate PATCH method endpoints [\#211](
- protoc-gen-grpc-gateway doesn't work correctly with option go\_package [\#207](
- Browser Side Streaming Best Practices [\#206](
- Does grpc-gateway support App Engine? [\#204](
- "use of internal package" error, after moving to grpc-ecosystem [\#203](
- Move to instead of shipping annotations.proto. [\#202](
- Release v1.1.0 [\#196](
- marshaler runtime.Marshaler does not handle io.EOF when decoding [\#195](
- protobuf enumerated values now returned as strings instead of numbers. [\#186](
- support annotating fields as required \(in swagger/oapi generation\)? [\#175](
- architectural question: Can i codegen the client code for talking to the server ? [\#167](
- Passing ENUM value as URL parameter throws error [\#166](
- Support specifying which schemes should be output in swagger.json [\#161](
- Use headers for routing [\#157](
- ENUM in swagger.json makes client code failed to parse response from gateway [\#153](
- Support map types [\#140](
- generate OpenAPI/swagger documentation at run time? [\#138](
- After the 1.7 release, update .travis.yaml to check the compiled proto output [\#137](
- Getting parsed runtime.Pattern from server mux [\#127](
- REST API without proxying [\#46](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Remove an obsolete custom option [\#604]( ([yugui](
- Support user configurable header forwarding & context metadata [\#336]( ([tamalsaha](
- Update go\_out parameter to remove comma [\#333]( ([tmc](
- Update stale path in README [\#332]( ([tmc](
- improve documentation regarding external dependencies [\#330]( ([CaptTofu](
- Return an error on invalid nested query parameters. [\#329]( ([fische](
- Update upstream proto files and add support. [\#325]( ([tmc](
- Support oneof fields in query params [\#321]( ([nilium](
- Do not ignore the error coming from http.ListenAndServe in examples [\#319]( ([campoy](
- Look up enum value maps by their proto name [\#315]( ([nilium](
- enable parsing enums from query parameters [\#314]( ([tzneal](
- Do not add imports from methods with no bindings. [\#312]( ([fische](
- Convert the first letter of method name to upper [\#300]( ([lipixun](
- write query parameters to swagger definition [\#297]( ([t-yuki](
- Bump swagger-client to 2.1.28 for examples/browser [\#290]( ([tmc](
- pin to version before es6ism [\#289]( ([tmc](
- Prevent lack of http bindings from generating non-building output [\#286]( ([tmc](
- Added support for Timestamp in URL. [\#281]( ([johansja](
- add plugin param 'allow\_delete\_body' [\#280]( ([msample](
- Fix ruby gen command [\#275]( ([bluehallu](
- Make grpc-gateway support enum fields in path parameter [\#273]( ([linuxerwang](
- remove unnecessary make\(\) [\#271]( ([tmc](
- preserve field order in swagger spec [\#270]( ([tmc](
- Merge \#228 [\#268]( ([tmc](
- Handle methods with no bindings more carefully [\#267]( ([tmc](
- describe default marshaler in [\#266]( ([tmc](
- Add request\_context flag to utilize \(\*http.Request\).Context\(\) in handlers [\#265]( ([tmc](
- Regenerate examples [\#264]( ([tmc](
- Correct runtime.errorBody protobuf field tag [\#256]( ([tmc](
- Pass permanent HTTP request headers [\#252]( ([tmc](
- regenerate examples, fix tests for go tip [\#248]( ([tmc](
- Render the swagger request body properly [\#247]( ([dprotaso](
- Error output should have lowercase attribute names [\#244]( ([nathanborror](
- runtime - export prefix constants [\#236]( ([philipithomas](
- README - Add CoreOS example [\#231]( ([philipithomas](
- Docs - Add section about how HTTP maps to gRPC [\#227]( ([philipithomas](
- readme: added links to additional documentation [\#222]( ([sdemos](
- Use a released version of protoc [\#216]( ([yugui](
- Add contribution guideline [\#210]( ([yugui](
- Allowing unknown fields to be dropped instead of returning error from… [\#208]( ([sriniven](
- Avoid Internal Server Error on zero-length input for bidi streaming [\#200]( ([yugui](
## [v1.1.0]( (2016-07-23)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Support oneof types of fields [\#82](
- allow use of jsonpb for marshaling [\#79](
**Closed issues:**
- Generating a gRPC stub using Gateway generates a gRPC internal error [\#198](
- Build fails with error: use of internal package not allowed [\#197](
- google/protobuf/descriptor.proto: File not found. [\#194](
- please tag releases [\#189](
- Support for path collapsing for embedded structs? [\#187](
- \[ACTION Required\] Moving to grpc-ecosystem [\#179](
- Ading grpc-timeout support [\#107](
- Generation of one swagger file out of multiple protos? [\#99](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Rename packages to follow the repository transfer [\#192]( ([yugui](
- return err early if EOF to prevent logging in normal conditions [\#191]( ([tmc](
- send Trailer header on error [\#188]( ([kazegusuri](
- generate swagger output for streaming endpoints with a basic note [\#183]( ([tmc](
## [v1.0.0]( (2016-06-15)
**Implemented enhancements:**
- support protobuf-over-HTTP [\#124](
- Static mapping from proto field names to golang field names [\#86](
- Format Errors to JSON [\#25](
- Emit API definition in Swagger schema format [\#9](
- Method parameter in query string [\#6](
- Integrate authentication [\#4](
- Add swagger support [\#68]( ([achew22](
- Add runtime.WithForwardResponseOption [\#53]( ([peter-edge](
**Fixed bugs:**
- recent annotation change requires req.RemoteAddr to be populated [\#177](
- Runtime panic with CloseNotify [\#115](
- Gateway code generation broken when rpc method with a streaming response has an input paramter [\#35](
- URL usage of nested messages causes nil pointer in proto3 [\#32](
- Multiple .proto files generates invalid import statements. [\#22](
**Closed issues:**
- remote peer address is lost in ctx - always resolves to localhost [\#173](
- Bidirectional streams don't concurrently Send and Recv [\#169](
- Error: failed to import google/api/annotations.proto [\#165](
- Test datarace in controlapi [\#163](
- not enough arguments in call to runtime.HTTPError [\#162](
- String-values for Enums in request object are not recognized. [\#150](
- Handling of import public "file.proto" [\#139](
- Does grpc-gateway support http middleware? [\#132](
- push to web clients using WS or SSE ? [\#131](
- protoc-gen-swagger comment parsing for documentation gen [\#128](
- generated code has a data race [\#123](
- panic: net/http: CloseNotify called after ServeHTTP finished [\#121](
- CloseNotify race with ServeHTTP [\#119](
- echo service example does not compile [\#117](
- go vet issues in template\_test.go [\#113](
- undefined: proto.SizeVarint [\#103](
- Closing the HTTP connection does not cancel the Context [\#101](
- Logging [\#92](
- Missing default values in JSON output? [\#91](
- Better grpc error strings [\#87](
- Fields aren't named in the same manner as golang/protobuf [\#84](
- Header Forwarding from server. [\#73](
- No pattern specified in google.api.HttpRule [\#70](
- cannot find package "google/api" [\#67](
- Generated .pb.go with services no longer works with latest version of grpc-go. [\#62](
- JavaScript Proxy [\#61](
- Add HTTP error code, error status to responseStreamChunk Error [\#58](
- Reverse the code gen idea [\#44](
- array of maps in json [\#43](
- Examples break with 1.5 because of import of "main" examples package [\#37](
- Breaks with 1.5rc1 due to "internal" package name. [\#36](
- Feature Request: Support for non-nullable nested messages. [\#20](
- Is PascalFromSnake the right conversion to be doing? [\#19](
- Infinite loop in generator when package name conflicts [\#17](
- google.api.http options in multi-line format not supported [\#16](
- Is there any plan to developing a C++ version? [\#15](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Regenerate files with the latest protoc-gen-go [\#185]( ([yugui](
- Add browser examples [\#184]( ([yugui](
- Fix golint and go vet errors [\#182]( ([yugui](
- Add integration with clients generated by swagger-codegen [\#181]( ([yugui](
- Simplify example services [\#180]( ([yugui](
- Avoid errors when req.RemoteAddr is empty [\#178]( ([yugui](
- Feature/headers [\#176]( ([yugui](
- Include HTTP req.remoteAddr in gRPC ctx [\#174]( ([mikeatlas](
- Update dependencies [\#171]( ([yugui](
- Add bidirectional streaming support by running Send\(\) and Recv\(\) concurrently [\#170]( ([tmc](
- make Authorization header check case-insensitive to comply with RFC 2616 4.2 [\#164]( ([tmc](
- jsonpb: avoid duplicating upstream's struct [\#158]( ([tamird](
- Generate Swagger description for service methods using proto comments. [\#156]( ([t-yuki](
- Implement gRPC timeout support for inbound HTTP headers [\#155]( ([mwitkow](
- Add more examples to marshalers [\#154]( ([yugui](
- custom marshaler: handle `Accept` headers correctly [\#152]( ([tamird](
- Simplify custom marshaler API [\#151]( ([yugui](
- Fix camel case path parameter handling in swagger [\#149]( ([yugui](
- Swagger dot in path template [\#148]( ([yugui](
- Support map types in swagger generator [\#147]( ([yugui](
- Cleanup custom marshaler [\#146]( ([yugui](
- Implement custom Marshaler support, add jsonpb implemention. [\#144]( ([tmc](
- Allow period in path URL templates when generating Swagger templates. [\#143]( ([ivucica](
- Link to LICENSE.txt [\#142]( ([sunkuet02](
- Support map types in swagger generator [\#141]( ([t-yuki](
- Conditionally stops checking if generated file are up-to-date [\#136]( ([yugui](
- Generate Swagger description for service methods using proto comments. [\#134]( ([ivucica](
- Swagger definitions now have `type` set to `object`. [\#133]( ([ivucica](
- go\_package option as go import path [\#129]( ([kazegusuri](
- Fix govet errors [\#126]( ([yugui](
- Fix data-race in generated codes [\#125]( ([yugui](
- Fix \#119 - CloseNotify race with ServeHTTP [\#120]( ([cuongdo](
- Replace glog with grpclog [\#118]( ([cuongdo](
- Fix a goroutine-leak in HTTP keep-alive [\#116]( ([yugui](
- Fix camel case path parameter handling in swagger [\#114]( ([t-yuki](
- gofmt -s [\#112]( ([shawnps](
- fix typo [\#111]( ([shawnps](
- fix typo [\#110]( ([shawnps](
- fixes missing swagger operation objects [\#109]( ([t-yuki](
- Add parser and swagger support for enum, no gengateway yet [\#108]( ([t-yuki](
- README: add protoc-gen-swagger too [\#105]( ([philips](
- README: Suggest go get -u by default. [\#104]( ([shurcooL](
- Cancel context when HTTP connection is closed [\#102]( ([floridoo](
- wait test server up [\#100]( ([kazegusuri](
- Fix the swagger section of the [\#98]( ([naibaf0](
- Add documentation for using Swagger [\#97]( ([achew22](
- Better compatibility to field names generated by protoc-gen-go [\#96]( ([yugui](
- Update protoc from 3.0.0-beta1 to 3.0.0-beta2 [\#95]( ([yugui](
- Better grpc error strings [\#94]( ([floridoo](
- make available header and trailer metadata [\#93]( ([kazegusuri](
- make grpc.DialOption configurable [\#89]( ([kazegusuri](
- Add request in error handlers [\#88]( ([daniellowtw](
- Improve PascalFromSnake behavior [\#85]( ([tmc](
- Typo grcp -\> grpc [\#81]( ([daniellowtw](
- Add abstraction of code generator implementation [\#78]( ([yugui](
- Support multivalue of metadata [\#77]( ([yugui](
- Fix broken test [\#76]( ([yugui](
- Added missing instruction line in README [\#75]( ([betrcode](
- Fix a complie error in generated go files [\#71]( ([yugui](
- Update generated .pb.go files in third\_party [\#69]( ([peter-edge](
- Bugfix/handling headers for `Authorization` and `Host` [\#65]( ([mwitkow](
- Fix `error` field always in chunk response [\#64]( ([mwitkow](
- Update .pb.go to latest version. [\#63]( ([johansja](
- Run more tests in Travis CI [\#60]( ([yugui](
- Added http error code and error status for responseStreamChunk error [\#59]( ([kdima](
- Fix parsing of verb and final path component. [\#55]( ([hbchai](
- add grpc.WithInsecure\(\) as option for grpc.Dial call in template [\#52]( ([peter-edge](
- update .pb.go files for latest golang proto generation [\#51]( ([peter-edge](
- Fix a build error with the latest protoc-gen-go [\#50]( ([yugui](
- Configure Travis CI [\#49]( ([yugui](
- Follow a change of go package name convention in protoc-gen-go [\#48]( ([yugui](
- Consider tail segments after deep wildcard [\#47]( ([yugui](
- Fix typo in README [\#45]( ([jonboulle](
- Fix undefined variable error in generated codes [\#42]( ([yugui](
- Follow changes in protoc-gen-go and grpc-go [\#41]( ([yugui](
- Fixes \#4 [\#40]( ([AmandaCameron](
- fix examples to work with go1.5 [\#39]( ([tmc](
- rename internal to utilties for 1.5 compatibility [\#38]( ([tmc](
- Reflection fix of proto3 nested messages. [\#34]( ([mwitkow](
- \[Experimental\] Make the response forwarder function customizable [\#31]( ([yugui](
- Add f.Flush\(\) to runtime.ForwardResponseStream [\#30]( ([vvakame](
- Format error message in JSON [\#29]( ([yugui](
- Update examples with HTTP header context annotation [\#28]( ([yugui](
- Report semantic errors in the source to protoc [\#27]( ([yugui](
- Add support for non-nullable nested messages. [\#21]( ([shurcooL](
- Receive GRPC metadata from HTTP headers. [\#18]( ([crast](
- Implement detailed specs of google.api.http [\#14]( ([yugui](
- Configure travis CI [\#13]( ([yugui](
- Replace our own custom option with the one defined by Google [\#12]( ([yugui](
- Remove useless context setup [\#11]( ([iamqizhao](
- Fix typo, path, missing semicolon. [\#10]( ([shurcooL](
- Use a globally unique id for the custom option [\#3]( ([yugui](
- implement ABitOfEverythingService [\#2]( ([mattn](
- support streaming API calls [\#1]( ([yugui](
\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*