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# Please follow the general troubleshooting steps first:
- [ ] Update your protoc to the [latest version](
- [ ] Update your copy of `grpc-gateway` to the latest version from github. with
`git fetch master && git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD`
- [ ] Delete the `protoc-gen-grpc-gateway` and `protoc-gen-swagger` binary from your `PATH`,
and install locally built binaries.
### Bug reports:
Fill in the following sections with explanations of what's gone wrong.
Steps you follow to reproduce the error:
<!-- Example steps
1. I grab my catapult
2. I load it with lettuce
3. Press the fire button
4. It falls over
Your steps here.
What did you expect to happen instead:
<!-- Example answer
1. It would have rained lettuce from the sky bringing forth a cuddly army of bunnies we could
play with
Your answer here.
What's your theory on why it isn't working:
<!-- Example answer
Evil wizards are hoarding the bunnies and don't want to share. The wizards are casting
lettuce protection spells so the cattapult won't work.
Your theory here.