package main import ( "fmt" "net" "net/http" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "time" log "" open "" flag "" ) // Mux is the http servemux for this server type Mux struct { mux *http.ServeMux } // NewMux creates a new mux instance func NewMux() *Mux { return &Mux{ mux: http.NewServeMux(), } } // Handle registers the handler for the given pattern func (mux *Mux) Handle(pattern string, handler http.Handler) { mux.mux.Handle(pattern, handler) } // HandleFunc registers the handler func for the given pattern func (mux *Mux) HandleFunc(pattern string, handler func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request)) { mux.mux.HandleFunc(pattern, handler) } // ServeHTTP dispatches the request to the handler whose pattern most closely matches the request URL func (mux *Mux) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "remoteAddr": r.RemoteAddr, "userAgent": r.UserAgent(), "requestURI": r.RequestURI, "method": r.Method, }).Debug() mux.mux.ServeHTTP(w, r) } func main() { // only output >= info by default log.SetLevel(log.InfoLevel) // get good timestamps for logs log.SetFormatter(&log.TextFormatter{ FullTimestamp: true, }) // get the path relative to the executble recipePath, err := os.Executable() if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorln("Failed to get executable path") recipePath = "" } debug := false listenAddr := "" listenPort := uint16(0) indexPath := filepath.Join(path.Dir(recipePath), "search_idx") recipePath = filepath.Join(path.Dir(recipePath), "Recipes") recipePath, err = filepath.Abs(recipePath) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorln("Failed to get absolute path for default recipe path") recipePath = "" } indexPath, err = filepath.Abs(indexPath) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorln("Failed to get absolute path for default index path") indexPath = "" } flag.StringVarP(&listenAddr, "host", "h", listenAddr, "HTTP listen address") flag.Uint16VarP(&listenPort, "port", "p", listenPort, "HTTP listen port") flag.StringVarP(&recipePath, "recipes", "r", recipePath, "Path to recipes") flag.StringVarP(&indexPath, "index", "i", indexPath, "Path for search index") flag.BoolVarP(&debug, "debug", "d", debug, "Enable debug mode") flag.Parse() if debug { log.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel) } log.WithFields(log.Fields{ "host": listenAddr, "port": listenPort, "recipes": recipePath, "index": indexPath, "debug": debug, }).Debugln("Options received") log.Debugln("Creating new handler") handler, err := NewHandler(recipePath, indexPath, log.StandardLogger()) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorln("Failed to create new handler") os.Exit(1) } log.Debugln("Successfully created new handler") defer handler.Close() log.Debugln("Creating TCP listening port") listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", listenAddr, listenPort)) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Errorln("Failed to listen on new TCP port") os.Exit(1) } defer listener.Close() mux := NewMux() log.Debugln("Associating handler funcs with http server") for pattern, handlerFunc := range handler.GetHandlerFuncs() { mux.HandleFunc(pattern, handlerFunc) } go func() { log.Infoln("Waiting before opening web browser") time.Sleep(time.Second) url := "http://" + listener.Addr().String() err = open.Run(url) if err == nil { log.Infoln("Opened", url, "in your web browser") } else { log.Infoln("Open", url, "in your web browser") } }() err = http.Serve(listener, mux) if err != nil { log.WithError(err).Fatalln("HTTP server died") } }