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* Copyright 2017 Dgraph Labs, Inc. and Contributors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package badger
import (
// Values have their first byte being byteData or byteDelete. This helps us distinguish between
// a key that has never been seen and a key that has been explicitly deleted.
const (
bitDelete byte = 1 << 0 // Set if the key has been deleted.
bitValuePointer byte = 1 << 1 // Set if the value is NOT stored directly next to key.
bitDiscardEarlierVersions byte = 1 << 2 // Set if earlier versions can be discarded.
// Set if item shouldn't be discarded via compactions (used by merge operator)
bitMergeEntry byte = 1 << 3
// The MSB 2 bits are for transactions.
bitTxn byte = 1 << 6 // Set if the entry is part of a txn.
bitFinTxn byte = 1 << 7 // Set if the entry is to indicate end of txn in value log.
mi int64 = 1 << 20
// The number of updates after which discard map should be flushed into badger.
discardStatsFlushThreshold = 100
type logFile struct {
path string
// This is a lock on the log file. It guards the fds value, the files
// existence and the files memory map.
// Use shared ownership when reading/writing the file or memory map, use
// exclusive ownership to open/close the descriptor, unmap or remove the file.
lock sync.RWMutex
fd *os.File
fid uint32
fmap []byte
size uint32
loadingMode options.FileLoadingMode
func (lf *logFile) mmap(size int64) (err error) {
if lf.loadingMode != options.MemoryMap {
// Nothing to do
return nil
lf.fmap, err = y.Mmap(lf.fd, false, size)
if err == nil {
err = y.Madvise(lf.fmap, false) // Disable readahead
return err
func (lf *logFile) munmap() (err error) {
if lf.loadingMode != options.MemoryMap || len(lf.fmap) == 0 {
// Nothing to do
return nil
if err := y.Munmap(lf.fmap); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to munmap value log: %q", lf.path)
// This is important. We should set the map to nil because ummap
// system call doesn't change the length or capacity of the fmap slice.
lf.fmap = nil
return nil
// Acquire lock on mmap/file if you are calling this
func (lf *logFile) read(p valuePointer, s *y.Slice) (buf []byte, err error) {
var nbr int64
offset := p.Offset
if lf.loadingMode == options.FileIO {
buf = s.Resize(int(p.Len))
var n int
n, err = lf.fd.ReadAt(buf, int64(offset))
nbr = int64(n)
} else {
// Do not convert size to uint32, because the lf.fmap can be of size
// 4GB, which overflows the uint32 during conversion to make the size 0,
// causing the read to fail with ErrEOF. See issue #585.
size := int64(len(lf.fmap))
valsz := p.Len
lfsz := atomic.LoadUint32(&lf.size)
if int64(offset) >= size || int64(offset+valsz) > size ||
// Ensure that the read is within the file's actual size. It might be possible that
// the offset+valsz length is beyond the file's actual size. This could happen when
// dropAll and iterations are running simultaneously.
int64(offset+valsz) > int64(lfsz) {
err = y.ErrEOF
} else {
buf = lf.fmap[offset : offset+valsz]
nbr = int64(valsz)
return buf, err
func (lf *logFile) doneWriting(offset uint32) error {
// Sync before acquiring lock. (We call this from write() and thus know we have shared access
// to the fd.)
if err := y.FileSync(lf.fd); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to sync value log: %q", lf.path)
// Before we were acquiring a lock here on lf.lock, because we were invalidating the file
// descriptor due to reopening it as read-only. Now, we don't invalidate the fd, but unmap it,
// truncate it and remap it. That creates a window where we have segfaults because the mmap is
// no longer valid, while someone might be reading it. Therefore, we need a lock here again.
defer lf.lock.Unlock()
// Unmap file before we truncate it. Windows cannot truncate a file that is mmapped.
if err := lf.munmap(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to munmap vlog file %s", lf.fd.Name())
// TODO: Confirm if we need to run a file sync after truncation.
// Truncation must run after unmapping, otherwise Windows would crap itself.
if err := lf.fd.Truncate(int64(offset)); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to truncate file: %q", lf.path)
fstat, err := lf.fd.Stat()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to check stat for %q", lf.path)
sz := fstat.Size()
if sz == 0 {
// File is empty. We don't need to mmap it. Return.
return nil
y.AssertTrue(sz <= math.MaxUint32)
lf.size = uint32(sz)
if err = lf.mmap(sz); err != nil {
_ = lf.fd.Close()
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to map file: %q", fstat.Name())
// Previously we used to close the file after it was written and reopen it in read-only mode.
// We no longer open files in read-only mode. We keep all vlog files open in read-write mode.
return nil
// You must hold lf.lock to sync()
func (lf *logFile) sync() error {
return y.FileSync(lf.fd)
var errStop = errors.New("Stop iteration")
var errTruncate = errors.New("Do truncate")
var errDeleteVlogFile = errors.New("Delete vlog file")
type logEntry func(e Entry, vp valuePointer) error
type safeRead struct {
k []byte
v []byte
recordOffset uint32
func (r *safeRead) Entry(reader *bufio.Reader) (*Entry, error) {
var hbuf [headerBufSize]byte
var err error
hash := crc32.New(y.CastagnoliCrcTable)
tee := io.TeeReader(reader, hash)
if _, err = io.ReadFull(tee, hbuf[:]); err != nil {
return nil, err
var h header
if h.klen > uint32(1<<16) { // Key length must be below uint16.
return nil, errTruncate
kl := int(h.klen)
if cap(r.k) < kl {
r.k = make([]byte, 2*kl)
vl := int(h.vlen)
if cap(r.v) < vl {
r.v = make([]byte, 2*vl)
e := &Entry{}
e.offset = r.recordOffset
e.Key = r.k[:kl]
e.Value = r.v[:vl]
if _, err = io.ReadFull(tee, e.Key); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = errTruncate
return nil, err
if _, err = io.ReadFull(tee, e.Value); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = errTruncate
return nil, err
var crcBuf [4]byte
if _, err = io.ReadFull(reader, crcBuf[:]); err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = errTruncate
return nil, err
crc := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(crcBuf[:])
if crc != hash.Sum32() {
return nil, errTruncate
e.meta = h.meta
e.UserMeta = h.userMeta
e.ExpiresAt = h.expiresAt
return e, nil
// iterate iterates over log file. It doesn't not allocate new memory for every kv pair.
// Therefore, the kv pair is only valid for the duration of fn call.
func (vlog *valueLog) iterate(lf *logFile, offset uint32, fn logEntry) (uint32, error) {
fi, err := lf.fd.Stat()
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if int64(offset) == fi.Size() {
// We're at the end of the file already. No need to do anything.
return offset, nil
if vlog.opt.ReadOnly {
// We're not at the end of the file. We'd need to replay the entries, or
// possibly truncate the file.
return 0, ErrReplayNeeded
if int64(offset) > fi.Size() {
// Return 0 which would truncate the entire file. This was the original behavior before
// commit 7539f0a:Fix windows dataloss issue (#1134) was merged.
return 0, nil
// We're not at the end of the file. Let's Seek to the offset and start reading.
if _, err := lf.fd.Seek(int64(offset), io.SeekStart); err != nil {
return 0, errFile(err, lf.path, "Unable to seek")
reader := bufio.NewReader(lf.fd)
read := &safeRead{
k: make([]byte, 10),
v: make([]byte, 10),
recordOffset: offset,
var lastCommit uint64
var validEndOffset uint32 = offset
for {
e, err := read.Entry(reader)
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF || err == errTruncate {
} else if err != nil {
return 0, err
} else if e == nil {
var vp valuePointer
vp.Len = uint32(headerBufSize + len(e.Key) + len(e.Value) + crc32.Size)
read.recordOffset += vp.Len
vp.Offset = e.offset
vp.Fid = lf.fid
if e.meta&bitTxn > 0 {
txnTs := y.ParseTs(e.Key)
if lastCommit == 0 {
lastCommit = txnTs
if lastCommit != txnTs {
} else if e.meta&bitFinTxn > 0 {
txnTs, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(e.Value), 10, 64)
if err != nil || lastCommit != txnTs {
// Got the end of txn. Now we can store them.
lastCommit = 0
validEndOffset = read.recordOffset
} else {
if lastCommit != 0 {
// This is most likely an entry which was moved as part of GC.
// We shouldn't get this entry in the middle of a transaction.
validEndOffset = read.recordOffset
if err := fn(*e, vp); err != nil {
if err == errStop {
return 0, errFile(err, lf.path, "Iteration function")
return validEndOffset, nil
func (vlog *valueLog) rewrite(f *logFile, tr trace.Trace) error {
maxFid := atomic.LoadUint32(&vlog.maxFid)
y.AssertTruef(uint32(f.fid) < maxFid, "fid to move: %d. Current max fid: %d", f.fid, maxFid)
tr.LazyPrintf("Rewriting fid: %d", f.fid)
wb := make([]*Entry, 0, 1000)
var size int64
y.AssertTrue(vlog.db != nil)
var count, moved int
fe := func(e Entry) error {
if count%100000 == 0 {
tr.LazyPrintf("Processing entry %d", count)
vs, err := vlog.db.get(e.Key)
if err != nil {
return err
if discardEntry(e, vs, vlog.db) {
return nil
// Value is still present in value log.
if len(vs.Value) == 0 {
return errors.Errorf("Empty value: %+v", vs)
var vp valuePointer
// If the entry found from the LSM Tree points to a newer vlog file, don't do anything.
if vp.Fid > f.fid {
return nil
// If the entry found from the LSM Tree points to an offset greater than the one
// read from vlog, don't do anything.
if vp.Offset > e.offset {
return nil
// If the entry read from LSM Tree and vlog file point to the same vlog file and offset,
// insert them back into the DB.
// NOTE: It might be possible that the entry read from the LSM Tree points to
// an older vlog file. See the comments in the else part.
if vp.Fid == f.fid && vp.Offset == e.offset {
// This new entry only contains the key, and a pointer to the value.
ne := new(Entry)
ne.meta = 0 // Remove all bits. Different keyspace doesn't need these bits.
ne.UserMeta = e.UserMeta
ne.ExpiresAt = e.ExpiresAt
// Create a new key in a separate keyspace, prefixed by moveKey. We are not
// allowed to rewrite an older version of key in the LSM tree, because then this older
// version would be at the top of the LSM tree. To work correctly, reads expect the
// latest versions to be at the top, and the older versions at the bottom.
if bytes.HasPrefix(e.Key, badgerMove) {
ne.Key = append([]byte{}, e.Key...)
} else {
ne.Key = make([]byte, len(badgerMove)+len(e.Key))
n := copy(ne.Key, badgerMove)
copy(ne.Key[n:], e.Key)
ne.Value = append([]byte{}, e.Value...)
es := int64(ne.estimateSize(vlog.opt.ValueThreshold))
// Consider size of value as well while considering the total size
// of the batch. There have been reports of high memory usage in
// rewrite because we don't consider the value size. See #1292.
es += int64(len(e.Value))
// Ensure length and size of wb is within transaction limits.
if int64(len(wb)+1) >= vlog.opt.maxBatchCount ||
size+es >= vlog.opt.maxBatchSize {
tr.LazyPrintf("request has %d entries, size %d", len(wb), size)
if err := vlog.db.batchSet(wb); err != nil {
return err
size = 0
wb = wb[:0]
wb = append(wb, ne)
size += es
} else {
// It might be possible that the entry read from LSM Tree points to an older vlog file.
// This can happen in the following situation. Assume DB is opened with
// numberOfVersionsToKeep=1
// Now, if we have ONLY one key in the system "FOO" which has been updated 3 times and
// the same key has been garbage collected 3 times, we'll have 3 versions of the movekey
// for the same key "FOO".
// NOTE: moveKeyi is the moveKey with version i
// Assume we have 3 move keys in L0.
// - moveKey1 (points to vlog file 10),
// - moveKey2 (points to vlog file 14) and
// - moveKey3 (points to vlog file 15).
// Also, assume there is another move key "moveKey1" (points to vlog file 6) (this is
// also a move Key for key "FOO" ) on upper levels (let's say 3). The move key
// "moveKey1" on level 0 was inserted because vlog file 6 was GCed.
// Here's what the arrangement looks like
// L0 => (moveKey1 => vlog10), (moveKey2 => vlog14), (moveKey3 => vlog15)
// L1 => ....
// L2 => ....
// L3 => (moveKey1 => vlog6)
// When L0 compaction runs, it keeps only moveKey3 because the number of versions
// to keep is set to 1. (we've dropped moveKey1's latest version)
// The new arrangement of keys is
// L0 => ....
// L1 => (moveKey3 => vlog15)
// L2 => ....
// L3 => (moveKey1 => vlog6)
// Now if we try to GC vlog file 10, the entry read from vlog file will point to vlog10
// but the entry read from LSM Tree will point to vlog6. The move key read from LSM tree
// will point to vlog6 because we've asked for version 1 of the move key.
// This might seem like an issue but it's not really an issue because the user has set
// the number of versions to keep to 1 and the latest version of moveKey points to the
// correct vlog file and offset. The stale move key on L3 will be eventually dropped by
// compaction because there is a newer versions in the upper levels.
return nil
_, err := vlog.iterate(f, 0, func(e Entry, vp valuePointer) error {
return fe(e)
if err != nil {
return err
tr.LazyPrintf("request has %d entries, size %d", len(wb), size)
batchSize := 1024
var loops int
for i := 0; i < len(wb); {
if batchSize == 0 {
vlog.db.opt.Warningf("We shouldn't reach batch size of zero.")
return ErrNoRewrite
end := i + batchSize
if end > len(wb) {
end = len(wb)
if err := vlog.db.batchSet(wb[i:end]); err != nil {
if err == ErrTxnTooBig {
// Decrease the batch size to half.
batchSize = batchSize / 2
tr.LazyPrintf("Dropped batch size to %d", batchSize)
return err
i += batchSize
tr.LazyPrintf("Processed %d entries in %d loops", len(wb), loops)
tr.LazyPrintf("Total entries: %d. Moved: %d", count, moved)
tr.LazyPrintf("Removing fid: %d", f.fid)
var deleteFileNow bool
// Entries written to LSM. Remove the older file now.
// Just a sanity-check.
if _, ok := vlog.filesMap[f.fid]; !ok {
return errors.Errorf("Unable to find fid: %d", f.fid)
if vlog.iteratorCount() == 0 {
delete(vlog.filesMap, f.fid)
deleteFileNow = true
} else {
vlog.filesToBeDeleted = append(vlog.filesToBeDeleted, f.fid)
if deleteFileNow {
if err := vlog.deleteLogFile(f); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (vlog *valueLog) deleteMoveKeysFor(fid uint32, tr trace.Trace) error {
db := vlog.db
var result []*Entry
var count, pointers uint64
tr.LazyPrintf("Iterating over move keys to find invalids for fid: %d", fid)
err := db.View(func(txn *Txn) error {
opt := DefaultIteratorOptions
opt.InternalAccess = true
opt.PrefetchValues = false
itr := txn.NewIterator(opt)
defer itr.Close()
for itr.Seek(badgerMove); itr.ValidForPrefix(badgerMove); itr.Next() {
item := itr.Item()
if item.meta&bitValuePointer == 0 {
var vp valuePointer
if vp.Fid == fid {
e := &Entry{Key: y.KeyWithTs(item.Key(), item.Version()), meta: bitDelete}
result = append(result, e)
return nil
if err != nil {
tr.LazyPrintf("Got error while iterating move keys: %v", err)
return err
tr.LazyPrintf("Num total move keys: %d. Num pointers: %d", count, pointers)
tr.LazyPrintf("Number of invalid move keys found: %d", len(result))
batchSize := 10240
for i := 0; i < len(result); {
end := i + batchSize
if end > len(result) {
end = len(result)
if err := db.batchSet(result[i:end]); err != nil {
if err == ErrTxnTooBig {
batchSize /= 2
tr.LazyPrintf("Dropped batch size to %d", batchSize)
tr.LazyPrintf("Error while doing batchSet: %v", err)
return err
i += batchSize
tr.LazyPrintf("Move keys deletion done.")
return nil
func (vlog *valueLog) incrIteratorCount() {
atomic.AddInt32(&vlog.numActiveIterators, 1)
func (vlog *valueLog) iteratorCount() int {
return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&vlog.numActiveIterators))
func (vlog *valueLog) decrIteratorCount() error {
num := atomic.AddInt32(&vlog.numActiveIterators, -1)
if num != 0 {
return nil
lfs := make([]*logFile, 0, len(vlog.filesToBeDeleted))
for _, id := range vlog.filesToBeDeleted {
lfs = append(lfs, vlog.filesMap[id])
delete(vlog.filesMap, id)
vlog.filesToBeDeleted = nil
for _, lf := range lfs {
if err := vlog.deleteLogFile(lf); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (vlog *valueLog) deleteLogFile(lf *logFile) error {
if lf == nil {
return nil
defer lf.lock.Unlock()
path := vlog.fpath(lf.fid)
if err := lf.munmap(); err != nil {
_ = lf.fd.Close()
return err
lf.fmap = nil
if err := lf.fd.Close(); err != nil {
return err
return os.Remove(path)
func (vlog *valueLog) dropAll() (int, error) {
// We don't want to block dropAll on any pending transactions. So, don't worry about iterator
// count.
var count int
deleteAll := func() error {
defer vlog.filesLock.Unlock()
for _, lf := range vlog.filesMap {
if err := vlog.deleteLogFile(lf); err != nil {
return err
vlog.filesMap = make(map[uint32]*logFile)
return nil
if err := deleteAll(); err != nil {
return count, err
vlog.db.opt.Infof("Value logs deleted. Creating value log file: 0")
if _, err := vlog.createVlogFile(0); err != nil {
return count, err
atomic.StoreUint32(&vlog.maxFid, 0)
return count, nil
// lfDiscardStats keeps track of the amount of data that could be discarded for
// a given logfile.
type lfDiscardStats struct {
m map[uint32]int64
flushChan chan map[uint32]int64
closer *y.Closer
updatesSinceFlush int
type valueLog struct {
dirPath string
elog trace.EventLog
// guards our view of which files exist, which to be deleted, how many active iterators
filesLock sync.RWMutex
filesMap map[uint32]*logFile
filesToBeDeleted []uint32
// A refcount of iterators -- when this hits zero, we can delete the filesToBeDeleted.
numActiveIterators int32
db *DB
maxFid uint32 // accessed via atomics.
writableLogOffset uint32 // read by read, written by write. Must access via atomics.
numEntriesWritten uint32
opt Options
garbageCh chan struct{}
lfDiscardStats *lfDiscardStats
func vlogFilePath(dirPath string, fid uint32) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%06d.vlog", dirPath, string(os.PathSeparator), fid)
func (vlog *valueLog) fpath(fid uint32) string {
return vlogFilePath(vlog.dirPath, fid)
func (vlog *valueLog) populateFilesMap() error {
vlog.filesMap = make(map[uint32]*logFile)
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(vlog.dirPath)
if err != nil {
return errFile(err, vlog.dirPath, "Unable to open log dir.")
found := make(map[uint64]struct{})
for _, file := range files {
if !strings.HasSuffix(file.Name(), ".vlog") {
fsz := len(file.Name())
fid, err := strconv.ParseUint(file.Name()[:fsz-5], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return errFile(err, file.Name(), "Unable to parse log id.")
if _, ok := found[fid]; ok {
return errFile(err, file.Name(), "Duplicate file found. Please delete one.")
found[fid] = struct{}{}
lf := &logFile{
fid: uint32(fid),
path: vlog.fpath(uint32(fid)),
loadingMode: vlog.opt.ValueLogLoadingMode,
vlog.filesMap[uint32(fid)] = lf
if vlog.maxFid < uint32(fid) {
vlog.maxFid = uint32(fid)
return nil
func (vlog *valueLog) createVlogFile(fid uint32) (*logFile, error) {
path := vlog.fpath(fid)
lf := &logFile{
fid: fid,
path: path,
loadingMode: vlog.opt.ValueLogLoadingMode,
// writableLogOffset is only written by write func, by read by Read func.
// To avoid a race condition, all reads and updates to this variable must be
// done via atomics.
atomic.StoreUint32(&vlog.writableLogOffset, 0)
vlog.numEntriesWritten = 0
var err error
if lf.fd, err = y.CreateSyncedFile(path, vlog.opt.SyncWrites); err != nil {
return nil, errFile(err, lf.path, "Create value log file")
removeFile := func() {
// Remove the file so that we don't get an error when createVlogFile is
// called for the same fid, again. This could happen if there is an
// transient error because of which we couldn't create a new file
// and the second attempt to create the file succeeds.
if err = syncDir(vlog.dirPath); err != nil {
return nil, errFile(err, vlog.dirPath, "Sync value log dir")
if err = lf.mmap(2 * vlog.opt.ValueLogFileSize); err != nil {
return nil, errFile(err, lf.path, "Mmap value log file")
vlog.filesMap[fid] = lf
return lf, nil
func errFile(err error, path string, msg string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s. Path=%s. Error=%v", msg, path, err)
func (vlog *valueLog) replayLog(lf *logFile, offset uint32, replayFn logEntry) error {
fi, err := lf.fd.Stat()
if err != nil {
return errFile(err, lf.path, "Unable to run file.Stat")
// Alright, let's iterate now.
endOffset, err := vlog.iterate(lf, offset, replayFn)
if err != nil {
return errFile(err, lf.path, "Unable to replay logfile")
if int64(endOffset) == fi.Size() {
return nil
// End offset is different from file size. So, we should truncate the file
// to that size.
y.AssertTrue(int64(endOffset) <= fi.Size())
if !vlog.opt.Truncate {
return ErrTruncateNeeded
// The entire file should be truncated (i.e. it should be deleted).
// If fid == maxFid then it's okay to truncate the entire file since it will be
// used for future additions. Also, it's okay if the last file has size zero.
// We mmap 2*opt.ValueLogSize for the last file. See vlog.Open() function
if endOffset == 0 && lf.fid != vlog.maxFid {
return errDeleteVlogFile
if err := lf.fd.Truncate(int64(endOffset)); err != nil {
return errFile(err, lf.path, fmt.Sprintf(
"Truncation needed at offset %d. Can be done manually as well.", endOffset))
return nil
// init initializes the value log struct. This initialization needs to happen
// before compactions start.
func (vlog *valueLog) init(db *DB) {
vlog.opt = db.opt
vlog.db = db
vlog.dirPath = vlog.opt.ValueDir
vlog.elog = y.NoEventLog
if db.opt.EventLogging {
vlog.elog = trace.NewEventLog("Badger", "Valuelog")
vlog.garbageCh = make(chan struct{}, 1) // Only allow one GC at a time.
vlog.lfDiscardStats = &lfDiscardStats{
m: make(map[uint32]int64),
closer: y.NewCloser(1),
flushChan: make(chan map[uint32]int64, 16),
func (vlog *valueLog) open(db *DB, ptr valuePointer, replayFn logEntry) error {
go vlog.flushDiscardStats()
if err := vlog.populateFilesMap(); err != nil {
return err
// If no files are found, then create a new file.
if len(vlog.filesMap) == 0 {
_, err := vlog.createVlogFile(0)
return err
fids := vlog.sortedFids()
for _, fid := range fids {
lf, ok := vlog.filesMap[fid]
var flags uint32
switch {
case vlog.opt.ReadOnly:
// If we have read only, we don't need SyncWrites.
flags |= y.ReadOnly
// Set sync flag.
case vlog.opt.SyncWrites:
flags |= y.Sync
// We cannot mmap the files upfront here. Windows does not like mmapped files to be
// truncated. We might need to truncate files during a replay.
if err :=, flags); err != nil {
return err
// This file is before the value head pointer. So, we don't need to
// replay it, and can just open it in readonly mode.
if fid < ptr.Fid {
// Mmap the file here, we don't need to replay it.
if err := lf.mmap(int64(lf.size)); err != nil {
return err
var offset uint32
if fid == ptr.Fid {
offset = ptr.Offset + ptr.Len
vlog.db.opt.Infof("Replaying file id: %d at offset: %d\n", fid, offset)
now := time.Now()
// Replay and possible truncation done. Now we can open the file as per
// user specified options.
if err := vlog.replayLog(lf, offset, replayFn); err != nil {
// Log file is corrupted. Delete it.
if err == errDeleteVlogFile {
delete(vlog.filesMap, fid)
// Close the fd of the file before deleting the file otherwise windows complaints.
if err := lf.fd.Close(); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to close vlog file %s", lf.fd.Name())
path := vlog.fpath(lf.fid)
if err := os.Remove(path); err != nil {
return y.Wrapf(err, "failed to delete empty value log file: %q", path)
return err
vlog.db.opt.Infof("Replay took: %s\n", time.Since(now))
if fid < vlog.maxFid {
// This file has been replayed. It can now be mmapped.
// For maxFid, the mmap would be done by the specially written code below.
if err := lf.mmap(int64(lf.size)); err != nil {
return err
// Seek to the end to start writing.
last, ok := vlog.filesMap[vlog.maxFid]
lastOffset, err := last.fd.Seek(0, io.SeekEnd)
if err != nil {
return errFile(err, last.path, "file.Seek to end")
vlog.writableLogOffset = uint32(lastOffset)
// Update the head to point to the updated tail. Otherwise, even after doing a successful
// replay and closing the DB, the value log head does not get updated, which causes the replay
// to happen repeatedly.
vlog.db.vhead = valuePointer{Fid: vlog.maxFid, Offset: uint32(lastOffset)}
// Map the file if needed. When we create a file, it is automatically mapped.
if err = last.mmap(2 * db.opt.ValueLogFileSize); err != nil {
return errFile(err, last.path, "Map log file")
if err := vlog.populateDiscardStats(); err != nil {
// Print the error and continue. We don't want to prevent value log open if there's an error
// with the fetching discards stats.
db.opt.Errorf("Failed to populate discard stats: %s", err)
return nil
func (lf *logFile) open(path string, flags uint32) error {
var err error
if lf.fd, err = y.OpenExistingFile(path, flags); err != nil {
return y.Wrapf(err, "Error while opening file in logfile %s", path)
fi, err := lf.fd.Stat()
if err != nil {
return errFile(err, lf.path, "Unable to run file.Stat")
sz := fi.Size()
sz <= math.MaxUint32,
"file size: %d greater than %d",
uint32(sz), uint32(math.MaxUint32),
lf.size = uint32(sz)
return nil
func (vlog *valueLog) Close() error {
// close flushDiscardStats.
vlog.elog.Printf("Stopping garbage collection of values.")
defer vlog.elog.Finish()
var err error
for id, f := range vlog.filesMap {
f.lock.Lock() // We wont release the lock.
if munmapErr := f.munmap(); munmapErr != nil && err == nil {
err = munmapErr
maxFid := atomic.LoadUint32(&vlog.maxFid)
if !vlog.opt.ReadOnly && id == maxFid {
// truncate writable log file to correct offset.
if truncErr := f.fd.Truncate(
int64(vlog.woffset())); truncErr != nil && err == nil {
err = truncErr
if closeErr := f.fd.Close(); closeErr != nil && err == nil {
err = closeErr
return err
// sortedFids returns the file id's not pending deletion, sorted. Assumes we have shared access to
// filesMap.
func (vlog *valueLog) sortedFids() []uint32 {
toBeDeleted := make(map[uint32]struct{})
for _, fid := range vlog.filesToBeDeleted {
toBeDeleted[fid] = struct{}{}
ret := make([]uint32, 0, len(vlog.filesMap))
for fid := range vlog.filesMap {
if _, ok := toBeDeleted[fid]; !ok {
ret = append(ret, fid)
sort.Slice(ret, func(i, j int) bool {
return ret[i] < ret[j]
return ret
type request struct {
// Input values
Entries []*Entry
// Output values and wait group stuff below
Ptrs []valuePointer
Wg sync.WaitGroup
Err error
ref int32
func (req *request) reset() {
req.Entries = req.Entries[:0]
req.Ptrs = req.Ptrs[:0]
req.Wg = sync.WaitGroup{}
req.Err = nil
req.ref = 0
func (req *request) IncrRef() {
atomic.AddInt32(&req.ref, 1)
func (req *request) DecrRef() {
nRef := atomic.AddInt32(&req.ref, -1)
if nRef > 0 {
req.Entries = nil
func (req *request) Wait() error {
err := req.Err
req.DecrRef() // DecrRef after writing to DB.
return err
type requests []*request
func (reqs requests) DecrRef() {
for _, req := range reqs {
func (reqs requests) IncrRef() {
for _, req := range reqs {
// sync function syncs content of latest value log file to disk. Syncing of value log directory is
// not required here as it happens every time a value log file rotation happens(check createVlogFile
// function). During rotation, previous value log file also gets synced to disk. It only syncs file
// if fid >= vlog.maxFid. In some cases such as replay(while opening db), it might be called with
// fid < vlog.maxFid. To sync irrespective of file id just call it with math.MaxUint32.
func (vlog *valueLog) sync(fid uint32) error {
if vlog.opt.SyncWrites {
return nil
maxFid := atomic.LoadUint32(&vlog.maxFid)
// During replay it is possible to get sync call with fid less than maxFid.
// Because older file has already been synced, we can return from here.
if fid < maxFid || len(vlog.filesMap) == 0 {
return nil
curlf := vlog.filesMap[maxFid]
// Sometimes it is possible that vlog.maxFid has been increased but file creation
// with same id is still in progress and this function is called. In those cases
// entry for the file might not be present in vlog.filesMap.
if curlf == nil {
return nil
err := curlf.sync()
return err
func (vlog *valueLog) woffset() uint32 {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&vlog.writableLogOffset)
// write is thread-unsafe by design and should not be called concurrently.
func (vlog *valueLog) write(reqs []*request) error {
maxFid := atomic.LoadUint32(&vlog.maxFid)
curlf := vlog.filesMap[maxFid]
var buf bytes.Buffer
flushWrites := func() error {
if buf.Len() == 0 {
return nil
vlog.elog.Printf("Flushing buffer of size %d to vlog", buf.Len())
n, err := curlf.fd.Write(buf.Bytes())
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "Unable to write to value log file: %q", curlf.path)
atomic.AddUint32(&vlog.writableLogOffset, uint32(n))
atomic.StoreUint32(&curlf.size, vlog.writableLogOffset)
return nil
toDisk := func() error {
if err := flushWrites(); err != nil {
return err
if vlog.woffset() > uint32(vlog.opt.ValueLogFileSize) ||
vlog.numEntriesWritten > vlog.opt.ValueLogMaxEntries {
if err := curlf.doneWriting(vlog.woffset()); err != nil {
return err
newid := atomic.AddUint32(&vlog.maxFid, 1)
y.AssertTruef(newid > 0, "newid has overflown uint32: %v", newid)
newlf, err := vlog.createVlogFile(newid)
if err != nil {
return err
curlf = newlf
atomic.AddInt32(&vlog.db.logRotates, 1)
return nil
for i := range reqs {
b := reqs[i]
b.Ptrs = b.Ptrs[:0]
var written int
for j := range b.Entries {
e := b.Entries[j]
if e.skipVlog {
b.Ptrs = append(b.Ptrs, valuePointer{})
var p valuePointer
p.Fid = curlf.fid
// Use the offset including buffer length so far.
p.Offset = vlog.woffset() + uint32(buf.Len())
plen, err := encodeEntry(e, &buf) // Now encode the entry into buffer.
if err != nil {
return err
p.Len = uint32(plen)
b.Ptrs = append(b.Ptrs, p)
// It is possible that the size of the buffer grows beyond the max size of the value
// log (this happens when a transaction contains entries with large value sizes) and
// badger might run into out of memory errors. We flush the buffer here if it's size
// grows beyond the max value log size.
if int64(buf.Len()) > vlog.db.opt.ValueLogFileSize {
if err := flushWrites(); err != nil {
return err
vlog.numEntriesWritten += uint32(written)
// We write to disk here so that all entries that are part of the same transaction are
// written to the same vlog file.
writeNow :=
vlog.woffset()+uint32(buf.Len()) > uint32(vlog.opt.ValueLogFileSize) ||
vlog.numEntriesWritten > uint32(vlog.opt.ValueLogMaxEntries)
if writeNow {
if err := toDisk(); err != nil {
return err
return toDisk()
// Gets the logFile and acquires and RLock() for the mmap. You must call RUnlock on the file
// (if non-nil)
func (vlog *valueLog) getFileRLocked(fid uint32) (*logFile, error) {
defer vlog.filesLock.RUnlock()
ret, ok := vlog.filesMap[fid]
if !ok {
// log file has gone away, will need to retry the operation.
return nil, ErrRetry
return ret, nil
// Read reads the value log at a given location.
// TODO: Make this read private.
func (vlog *valueLog) Read(vp valuePointer, s *y.Slice) ([]byte, func(), error) {
// Check for valid offset if we are reading from writable log.
maxFid := atomic.LoadUint32(&vlog.maxFid)
if vp.Fid == maxFid && vp.Offset >= vlog.woffset() {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf(
"Invalid value pointer offset: %d greater than current offset: %d",
vp.Offset, vlog.woffset())
buf, cb, err := vlog.readValueBytes(vp, s)
if err != nil {
return nil, cb, err
if vlog.opt.VerifyValueChecksum {
hash := crc32.New(y.CastagnoliCrcTable)
if _, err := hash.Write(buf[:len(buf)-crc32.Size]); err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to write hash for vp %+v", vp)
// Fetch checksum from the end of the buffer.
checksum := buf[len(buf)-crc32.Size:]
res := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(checksum)
if hash.Sum32() != res {
return nil, nil, errors.Errorf("checksum mismatch Error: value corrupted for vp: %+v", vp)
var h header
n := uint32(headerBufSize) + h.klen
return buf[n : n+h.vlen], cb, nil
func (vlog *valueLog) readValueBytes(vp valuePointer, s *y.Slice) ([]byte, func(), error) {
lf, err := vlog.getFileRLocked(vp.Fid)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
buf, err :=, s)
if vlog.opt.ValueLogLoadingMode == options.MemoryMap {
return buf, lf.lock.RUnlock, err
// If we are using File I/O we unlock the file immediately
// and return an empty function as callback.
return buf, nil, err
// Test helper
func valueBytesToEntry(buf []byte) (e Entry) {
var h header
n := uint32(headerBufSize)
e.Key = buf[n : n+h.klen]
n += h.klen
e.meta = h.meta
e.UserMeta = h.userMeta
e.Value = buf[n : n+h.vlen]
func (vlog *valueLog) pickLog(head valuePointer, tr trace.Trace) (files []*logFile) {
defer vlog.filesLock.RUnlock()
fids := vlog.sortedFids()
if len(fids) <= 1 {
tr.LazyPrintf("Only one or less value log file.")
return nil
} else if head.Fid == 0 {
tr.LazyPrintf("Head pointer is at zero.")
return nil
// Pick a candidate that contains the largest amount of discardable data
candidate := struct {
fid uint32
discard int64
}{math.MaxUint32, 0}
for _, fid := range fids {
if fid >= head.Fid {
if vlog.lfDiscardStats.m[fid] > candidate.discard {
candidate.fid = fid
candidate.discard = vlog.lfDiscardStats.m[fid]
if candidate.fid != math.MaxUint32 { // Found a candidate
tr.LazyPrintf("Found candidate via discard stats: %v", candidate)
files = append(files, vlog.filesMap[candidate.fid])
} else {
tr.LazyPrintf("Could not find candidate via discard stats. Randomly picking one.")
// Fallback to randomly picking a log file
var idxHead int
for i, fid := range fids {
if fid == head.Fid {
idxHead = i
if idxHead == 0 { // Not found or first file
tr.LazyPrintf("Could not find any file.")
return nil
idx := rand.Intn(idxHead) // Dont include head.Fid. We pick a random file before it.
if idx > 0 {
idx = rand.Intn(idx + 1) // Another level of rand to favor smaller fids.
tr.LazyPrintf("Randomly chose fid: %d", fids[idx])
files = append(files, vlog.filesMap[fids[idx]])
return files
func discardEntry(e Entry, vs y.ValueStruct, db *DB) bool {
if vs.Version != y.ParseTs(e.Key) {
// Version not found. Discard.
return true
if isDeletedOrExpired(vs.Meta, vs.ExpiresAt) {
return true
if (vs.Meta & bitValuePointer) == 0 {
// Key also stores the value in LSM. Discard.
return true
if (vs.Meta & bitFinTxn) > 0 {
// Just a txn finish entry. Discard.
return true
if bytes.HasPrefix(e.Key, badgerMove) {
// Verify the actual key entry without the badgerPrefix has not been deleted.
// If this is not done the badgerMove entry will be kept forever moving from
// vlog to vlog during rewrites.
avs, err := db.get(e.Key[len(badgerMove):])
if err != nil {
return false
return avs.Version == 0
return false
func (vlog *valueLog) doRunGC(lf *logFile, discardRatio float64, tr trace.Trace) (err error) {
// Update stats before exiting
defer func() {
if err == nil {
delete(vlog.lfDiscardStats.m, lf.fid)
type reason struct {
total float64
discard float64
count int
fi, err := lf.fd.Stat()
if err != nil {
tr.LazyPrintf("Error while finding file size: %v", err)
return err
// Set up the sampling window sizes.
sizeWindow := float64(fi.Size()) * 0.1 // 10% of the file as window.
sizeWindowM := sizeWindow / (1 << 20) // in MBs.
countWindow := int(float64(vlog.opt.ValueLogMaxEntries) * 0.01) // 1% of num entries.
tr.LazyPrintf("Size window: %5.2f. Count window: %d.", sizeWindow, countWindow)
// Pick a random start point for the log.
skipFirstM := float64(rand.Int63n(fi.Size())) // Pick a random starting location.
skipFirstM -= sizeWindow // Avoid hitting EOF by moving back by window.
skipFirstM /= float64(mi) // Convert to MBs.
tr.LazyPrintf("Skip first %5.2f MB of file of size: %d MB", skipFirstM, fi.Size()/mi)
var skipped float64
var r reason
start := time.Now()
y.AssertTrue(vlog.db != nil)
s := new(y.Slice)
var numIterations int
_, err = vlog.iterate(lf, 0, func(e Entry, vp valuePointer) error {
esz := float64(vp.Len) / (1 << 20) // in MBs.
if skipped < skipFirstM {
skipped += esz
return nil
// Sample until we reach the window sizes or exceed 10 seconds.
if r.count > countWindow {
tr.LazyPrintf("Stopping sampling after %d entries.", countWindow)
return errStop
if > sizeWindowM {
tr.LazyPrintf("Stopping sampling after reaching window size.")
return errStop
if time.Since(start) > 10*time.Second {
tr.LazyPrintf("Stopping sampling after 10 seconds.")
return errStop
} += esz
vs, err := vlog.db.get(e.Key)
if err != nil {
return err
if discardEntry(e, vs, vlog.db) {
r.discard += esz
return nil
// Value is still present in value log.
y.AssertTrue(len(vs.Value) > 0)
if vp.Fid > lf.fid {
// Value is present in a later log. Discard.
r.discard += esz
return nil
if vp.Offset > e.offset {
// Value is present in a later offset, but in the same log.
r.discard += esz
return nil
if vp.Fid == lf.fid && vp.Offset == e.offset {
// This is still the active entry. This would need to be rewritten.
} else {
vlog.elog.Printf("Reason=%+v\n", r)
buf, cb, err := vlog.readValueBytes(vp, s)
if err != nil {
return errStop
ne := valueBytesToEntry(buf)
ne.offset = vp.Offset
ne.print("Latest Entry Header in LSM")
e.print("Latest Entry in Log")
return errors.Errorf("This shouldn't happen. Latest Pointer:%+v. Meta:%v.",
vp, vs.Meta)
return nil
if err != nil {
tr.LazyPrintf("Error while iterating for RunGC: %v", err)
return err
tr.LazyPrintf("Fid: %d. Skipped: %5.2fMB Num iterations: %d. Data status=%+v\n",
lf.fid, skipped, numIterations, r)
// If we couldn't sample at least a 1000 KV pairs or at least 75% of the window size,
// and what we can discard is below the threshold, we should skip the rewrite.
if (r.count < countWindow && < sizeWindowM*0.75) || r.discard < discardRatio* {
tr.LazyPrintf("Skipping GC on fid: %d", lf.fid)
return ErrNoRewrite
if err = vlog.rewrite(lf, tr); err != nil {
return err
tr.LazyPrintf("Done rewriting.")
return nil
func (vlog *valueLog) waitOnGC(lc *y.Closer) {
defer lc.Done()
<-lc.HasBeenClosed() // Wait for lc to be closed.
// Block any GC in progress to finish, and don't allow any more writes to runGC by filling up
// the channel of size 1.
vlog.garbageCh <- struct{}{}
func (vlog *valueLog) runGC(discardRatio float64, head valuePointer) error {
select {
case vlog.garbageCh <- struct{}{}:
// Pick a log file for GC.
tr := trace.New("Badger.ValueLog", "GC")
defer func() {
var err error
files := vlog.pickLog(head, tr)
if len(files) == 0 {
tr.LazyPrintf("PickLog returned zero results.")
return ErrNoRewrite
tried := make(map[uint32]bool)
for _, lf := range files {
if _, done := tried[lf.fid]; done {
tried[lf.fid] = true
err = vlog.doRunGC(lf, discardRatio, tr)
if err == nil {
return vlog.deleteMoveKeysFor(lf.fid, tr)
return err
return ErrRejected
func (vlog *valueLog) updateDiscardStats(stats map[uint32]int64) {
select {
case vlog.lfDiscardStats.flushChan <- stats:
vlog.opt.Warningf("updateDiscardStats called: discard stats flushChan full, " +
"returning without pushing to flushChan")
func (vlog *valueLog) flushDiscardStats() {
defer vlog.lfDiscardStats.closer.Done()
mergeStats := func(stats map[uint32]int64) ([]byte, error) {
defer vlog.lfDiscardStats.Unlock()
for fid, count := range stats {
vlog.lfDiscardStats.m[fid] += count
if vlog.lfDiscardStats.updatesSinceFlush > discardStatsFlushThreshold {
encodedDS, err := json.Marshal(vlog.lfDiscardStats.m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vlog.lfDiscardStats.updatesSinceFlush = 0
return encodedDS, nil
return nil, nil
process := func(stats map[uint32]int64) error {
encodedDS, err := mergeStats(stats)
if err != nil || encodedDS == nil {
return err
entries := []*Entry{{
Key: y.KeyWithTs(lfDiscardStatsKey, 1),
Value: encodedDS,
req, err := vlog.db.sendToWriteCh(entries)
// No special handling of ErrBlockedWrites is required as err is just logged in
// for loop below.
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to push discard stats to write channel")
return req.Wait()
closer := vlog.lfDiscardStats.closer
for {
select {
case <-closer.HasBeenClosed():
// For simplicity just return without processing already present in stats in flushChan.
case stats := <-vlog.lfDiscardStats.flushChan:
if err := process(stats); err != nil {
vlog.opt.Errorf("unable to process discardstats with error: %s", err)
// populateDiscardStats populates vlog.lfDiscardStats.
// This function will be called while initializing valueLog.
func (vlog *valueLog) populateDiscardStats() error {
key := y.KeyWithTs(lfDiscardStatsKey, math.MaxUint64)
var statsMap map[uint32]int64
var val []byte
var vp valuePointer
for {
vs, err := vlog.db.get(key)
if err != nil {
return err
// Value doesn't exist.
if vs.Meta == 0 && len(vs.Value) == 0 {
vlog.opt.Debugf("Value log discard stats empty")
return nil
// Entry stored in LSM tree.
if vs.Meta&bitValuePointer == 0 {
val = y.SafeCopy(val, vs.Value)
// Read entry from value log.
result, cb, err := vlog.Read(vp, new(y.Slice))
val = y.SafeCopy(val, result)
// The result is stored in val. We can break the loop from here.
if err == nil {
if err != ErrRetry {
return err
// If we're at this point it means we haven't found the value yet and if the current key has
// badger move prefix, we should break from here since we've already tried the original key
// and the key with move prefix. "val" would be empty since we haven't found the value yet.
if bytes.HasPrefix(key, badgerMove) {
// If we're at this point it means the discard stats key was moved by the GC and the actual
// entry is the one prefixed by badger move key.
// Prepend existing key with badger move and search for the key.
key = append(badgerMove, key...)
if len(val) == 0 {
return nil
if err := json.Unmarshal(val, &statsMap); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal discard stats")
vlog.opt.Debugf("Value Log Discard stats: %v", statsMap)
vlog.lfDiscardStats.flushChan <- statsMap
return nil