## bbloom: a bitset Bloom filter for go/golang === package implements a fast bloom filter with real 'bitset' and JSONMarshal/JSONUnmarshal to store/reload the Bloom filter. NOTE: the package uses unsafe.Pointer to set and read the bits from the bitset. If you're uncomfortable with using the unsafe package, please consider using my bloom filter package at github.com/AndreasBriese/bloom === changelog 11/2015: new thread safe methods AddTS(), HasTS(), AddIfNotHasTS() following a suggestion from Srdjan Marinovic (github @a-little-srdjan), who used this to code a bloomfilter cache. This bloom filter was developed to strengthen a website-log database and was tested and optimized for this log-entry mask: "2014/%02i/%02i %02i:%02i:%02i /info.html". Nonetheless bbloom should work with any other form of entries. ~~Hash function is a modified Berkeley DB sdbm hash (to optimize for smaller strings). sdbm http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~oz/hash.html~~ Found sipHash (SipHash-2-4, a fast short-input PRF created by Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Daniel J. Bernstein.) to be about as fast. sipHash had been ported by Dimtry Chestnyk to Go (github.com/dchest/siphash ) Minimum hashset size is: 512 ([4]uint64; will be set automatically). ###install ```sh go get github.com/AndreasBriese/bbloom ``` ###test + change to folder ../bbloom + create wordlist in file "words.txt" (you might use `python permut.py`) + run 'go test -bench=.' within the folder ```go go test -bench=. ``` ~~If you've installed the GOCONVEY TDD-framework http://goconvey.co/ you can run the tests automatically.~~ using go's testing framework now (have in mind that the op timing is related to 65536 operations of Add, Has, AddIfNotHas respectively) ### usage after installation add ```go import ( ... "github.com/AndreasBriese/bbloom" ... ) ``` at your header. In the program use ```go // create a bloom filter for 65536 items and 1 % wrong-positive ratio bf := bbloom.New(float64(1<<16), float64(0.01)) // or // create a bloom filter with 650000 for 65536 items and 7 locs per hash explicitly // bf = bbloom.New(float64(650000), float64(7)) // or bf = bbloom.New(650000.0, 7.0) // add one item bf.Add([]byte("butter")) // Number of elements added is exposed now // Note: ElemNum will not be included in JSON export (for compatability to older version) nOfElementsInFilter := bf.ElemNum // check if item is in the filter isIn := bf.Has([]byte("butter")) // should be true isNotIn := bf.Has([]byte("Butter")) // should be false // 'add only if item is new' to the bloomfilter added := bf.AddIfNotHas([]byte("butter")) // should be false because 'butter' is already in the set added = bf.AddIfNotHas([]byte("buTTer")) // should be true because 'buTTer' is new // thread safe versions for concurrent use: AddTS, HasTS, AddIfNotHasTS // add one item bf.AddTS([]byte("peanutbutter")) // check if item is in the filter isIn = bf.HasTS([]byte("peanutbutter")) // should be true isNotIn = bf.HasTS([]byte("peanutButter")) // should be false // 'add only if item is new' to the bloomfilter added = bf.AddIfNotHasTS([]byte("butter")) // should be false because 'peanutbutter' is already in the set added = bf.AddIfNotHasTS([]byte("peanutbuTTer")) // should be true because 'penutbuTTer' is new // convert to JSON ([]byte) Json := bf.JSONMarshal() // bloomfilters Mutex is exposed for external un-/locking // i.e. mutex lock while doing JSON conversion bf.Mtx.Lock() Json = bf.JSONMarshal() bf.Mtx.Unlock() // restore a bloom filter from storage bfNew := bbloom.JSONUnmarshal(Json) isInNew := bfNew.Has([]byte("butter")) // should be true isNotInNew := bfNew.Has([]byte("Butter")) // should be false ``` to work with the bloom filter. ### why 'fast'? It's about 3 times faster than William Fitzgeralds bitset bloom filter https://github.com/willf/bloom . And it is about so fast as my []bool set variant for Boom filters (see https://github.com/AndreasBriese/bloom ) but having a 8times smaller memory footprint: Bloom filter (filter size 524288, 7 hashlocs) github.com/AndreasBriese/bbloom 'Add' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 6595800 ns (100 ns/op) github.com/AndreasBriese/bbloom 'Has' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 5986600 ns (91 ns/op) github.com/AndreasBriese/bloom 'Add' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 6304684 ns (96 ns/op) github.com/AndreasBriese/bloom 'Has' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 6568663 ns (100 ns/op) github.com/willf/bloom 'Add' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 24367224 ns (371 ns/op) github.com/willf/bloom 'Test' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 21881142 ns (333 ns/op) github.com/dataence/bloom/standard 'Add' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 23041644 ns (351 ns/op) github.com/dataence/bloom/standard 'Check' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 19153133 ns (292 ns/op) github.com/cabello/bloom 'Add' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 131921507 ns (2012 ns/op) github.com/cabello/bloom 'Contains' 65536 items (10 repetitions): 131108962 ns (2000 ns/op) (on MBPro15 OSX10.8.5 i7 4Core 2.4Ghz) With 32bit bloom filters (bloom32) using modified sdbm, bloom32 does hashing with only 2 bit shifts, one xor and one substraction per byte. smdb is about as fast as fnv64a but gives less collisions with the dataset (see mask above). bloom.New(float64(10 * 1<<16),float64(7)) populated with 1<<16 random items from the dataset (see above) and tested against the rest results in less than 0.05% collisions.