Add the ability to do everything in Go

This commit is contained in:
Tony Blyler 2016-05-13 17:38:53 -04:00
parent d088e413b7
commit a6dfb7e698
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 25C9D3A655D1A65C
6 changed files with 476 additions and 258 deletions

.gitmodules vendored
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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
[submodule "metainfo/vendor/"]
path = metainfo/vendor/
url = ssh://

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@ -1,19 +1,69 @@
# Hoarder
Uploads .torrent files from a local "blackhole" to a remote (SSH) rtorrent watch folder. From there, rtorrent is polled over XMLRPC as to whether the torrent is completed. Finally, the files are downloaded over a multithreaded SSH connection and saved to the local machine. The blackhole is used as a queue and will have its .torrent files deleted.
* bash >= 4.0 (support for associative arrays)
* python2
* curl
* rsync
* scp
# Installation
## Manual
1. Install [Go]( for your Operating System
2. Run `$ go get -u`
3. If your `GOPATH` is in your `PATH`, run `$ hoarder -config $PATH_TO_HOARDER_CONF`
Edit the variables at the top of to your liking.
# Configuration
## Example
Ignore the keys that start with an underscore, they are comments.
"_rtorrent_addr": "The address to the rtorrent XMLRPC endpoint",
"rtorrent_addr": "",
Run with bash
"_rtorrent_insecure_cert": "true to ignore the certificate authenticity; false to honor it",
"rtorrent_insecure_cert": false,
"_torrent_username": "The HTTP Basic auth username to use for rtorrent's XMLRPC",
"rtorrent_username": "JohnDoe",
"_rtorrent_password": "The HTTP Basic auth password to use for rtorrent's XMLRPC",
"rtorrent_password": "correct horse battery staple",
"_ssh_username": "The ssh username to use for getting finished torrents from the remote host",
"ssh_username": "JohnDoe"
"_SSH_AUTH_COMMENT": "You may choose to use an ssh key or ssh password. If both are supplied, the password will not be used.",
"_ssh_password": "The SSH password to use for SSH authentication",
"ssh_password": "correct horse battery staple SSH",
"_ssh_privkey_path": "The path to the private SSH key for SSH authentication",
"ssh_privkey_path": "/home/tblyler/.ssh/id_rsa",
"_ssh_addr": "The SSH address to connect to",
"ssh_addr": "",
"_ssh_connect_timeout": "The time in nano seconds to wait for an SSH connection attempt",
"ssh_connect_timeout": 30000000000,
"_file_download_filemode": "The base 10 file mode to use for downloaded files",
"file_download_filemode": 511,
"_watch_to_download_paths": "The correlation of .torrent file paths and where their contents should be downloaded to",
"watch_to_download_paths": {
"/home/tblyler/torrent_files/tv": "/home/tblyler/Downloads/tv",
"/home/tblyler/torrent_files/movies": "/home/tblyler/Downloads/movies",
"/home/tblyler/torrent_files": "/home/tblyler/Downloads"
"_temp_download_path": "The root path to temporarily download to and then move to the folder in the setting above. The destination path is created underneath the temp_download_path",
"temp_download_path": "/home/tblyler/tempDownloads",
"_watch_to_finish_path": "If defined, the finished .torrent files finished are moved to their respected path here. Otherwise, they are deleted.",
"watch_to_finish_path": {
"/home/tblyler/torrent_files/tv": "/home/tblyler/completed_torrent_files/tv",
"/home/tblyler/torrent_files": "/home/tblyler/completed_torrent_files"
"_rtorrent_update_interval": "The time in nano seconds to update the list of torrents and their statuses in rTorrent",
"rtorrent_update_interval": 300000000000,
"_download_jobs": "The number of concurrent download streams to have at one time",
"download_jobs": 2

cmd/hoarder/main.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package main
import (
func main() {
configPath := flag.String("config", "", "path to the config file")
logger := log.New(os.Stdout, "hoarder", log.LstdFlags)
if *configPath == "" {
logger.Println("Missing config path")
configRaw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*configPath)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("Failed to read config file '%s': '%s'", *configPath, err)
config := &queue.Config{}
err = json.Unmarshal(configRaw, config)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("Unable to decode config json at '%s': '%s'", *configPath, err)
q, err := queue.NewQueue(config, logger)
if err != nil {
logger.Printf("Failed to start hoarder: '%s'", err)
stop := make(chan bool)
done := make(chan bool)
go func() {
done <- true
sigChan := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigChan, os.Interrupt)
sig := <-sigChan
logger.Println("Got signal ", sig, " quitting")
stop <- true

View file

@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
package easysftp
import (
// ClientConfig maintains all of the configuration info to connect to a SSH host
type ClientConfig struct {
Username string
Host string
KeyPath string
Password string
Timeout time.Duration
FileMode os.FileMode
// Client communicates with the SFTP to download files/pathes
type Client struct {
sshClient *ssh.Client
config *ClientConfig
// Connect to a host with this given config
func Connect(config *ClientConfig) (*Client, error) {
var auth []ssh.AuthMethod
if config.KeyPath != "" {
privKey, err := ioutil.ReadFile(config.KeyPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
signer, err := ssh.ParsePrivateKey(privKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
auth = append(auth, ssh.PublicKeys(signer))
if len(auth) == 0 {
if config.Password == "" {
return nil, errors.New("Missing password or key for SSH authentication")
auth = append(auth, ssh.Password(config.Password))
sshClient, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", config.Host, &ssh.ClientConfig{
User: config.Username,
Auth: auth,
Timeout: config.Timeout,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Client{
sshClient: sshClient,
config: config,
}, nil
// Close the underlying SSH conection
func (c *Client) Close() error {
return c.sshClient.Close()
func (c *Client) newSftpClient() (*sftp.Client, error) {
return sftp.NewClient(c.sshClient)
// Stat gets information for the given path
func (c *Client) Stat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
sftpClient, err := c.newSftpClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer sftpClient.Close()
return sftpClient.Stat(path)
// Lstat gets information for the given path, if it is a symbolic link, it will describe the symbolic link
func (c *Client) Lstat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
sftpClient, err := c.newSftpClient()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer sftpClient.Close()
return sftpClient.Lstat(path)
// Download a file from the given path to the output writer
func (c *Client) Download(path string, output io.Writer) error {
sftpClient, err := c.newSftpClient()
if err != nil {
return err
defer sftpClient.Close()
info, err := sftpClient.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
return errors.New("Unable to use easysftp.Client.Download for dir: " + path)
remote, err := sftpClient.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer remote.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(output, remote)
return err
// Mirror downloads an entire folder (recursively) or file underneath the given localParentPath
func (c *Client) Mirror(path string, localParentPath string) error {
sftpClient, err := c.newSftpClient()
if err != nil {
return err
defer sftpClient.Close()
info, err := sftpClient.Stat(path)
if err != nil {
return err
// download the file
if !info.IsDir() {
localPath := filepath.Join(localParentPath, info.Name())
localInfo, err := os.Stat(localPath)
if os.IsExist(err) && localInfo.IsDir() {
err = os.RemoveAll(localPath)
if err != nil {
return err
file, err := os.OpenFile(
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
return c.Download(path, file)
// download the whole directory recursively
walker := sftpClient.Walk(path)
remoteParentPath := filepath.Dir(path)
for walker.Step() {
if err := walker.Err(); err != nil {
return err
info := walker.Stat()
relPath, err := filepath.Rel(remoteParentPath, walker.Path())
if err != nil {
return err
localPath := filepath.Join(localParentPath, relPath)
// if we have something at the download path delete it if it is a directory
// and the remote is a file and vice a versa
localInfo, err := os.Stat(localPath)
if os.IsExist(err) {
if localInfo.IsDir() {
if info.IsDir() {
err = os.RemoveAll(localPath)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if info.IsDir() {
err = os.Remove(localPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if info.IsDir() {
err = os.MkdirAll(localPath, c.config.FileMode)
if err != nil {
return err
remoteFile, err := sftpClient.Open(walker.Path())
if err != nil {
return err
localFile, err := os.OpenFile(localPath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, c.config.FileMode)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = io.Copy(localFile, remoteFile)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil

@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit dcfee93f96d231b5590f991313b5d9f925757f52

queue/queue.go Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
package queue
import (
// Config defines the settings for watching, uploading, and downloading
type Config struct {
RtorrentAddr string `json:"rtorrent_addr"`
RtorrentInsecureCert bool `json:"rtorrent_insecure_cert"`
RtorrentUsername string `json:"rtorrent_username"`
RtorrentPassword string `json:"rtorrent_password"`
SSHUsername string `json:"ssh_username"`
SSHPassword string `json:"ssh_password"`
SSHKeyPath string `json:"ssh_privkey_path"`
SSHAddr string `json:"ssh_addr"`
SSHTimeout time.Duration `json:"ssh_connect_timeout"`
DownloadFileMode os.FileMode `json:"file_download_filemode"`
WatchDownloadPaths map[string]string `json:"watch_to_download_paths"`
TempDownloadPath string `json:"temp_download_path"`
FinishedTorrentFilePath map[string]string `json:"watch_to_finish_path"`
TorrentListUpdateInterval time.Duration `json:"rtorrent_update_interval"`
ConcurrentDownloads uint `json:"download_jobs"`
// Queue watches the given folders for new .torrent files,
// uploads them to the given rTorrent server,
// and then downloads them over SSH to the given download path.
type Queue struct {
rtClient *rtorrent.RTorrent
sftpClient *easysftp.Client
fsWatcher *fsnotify.Watcher
config *Config
torrentList map[string]rtorrent.Torrent
torrentListUpdate time.Time
downloadQueue map[string]string
logger *log.Logger
lock sync.RWMutex
// NewQueue establishes all connections and watchers
func NewQueue(config *Config, logger *log.Logger) (*Queue, error) {
if config.WatchDownloadPaths == nil || len(config.WatchDownloadPaths) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("Must have queue.QueueConfig.WatchDownloadPaths set")
for watchPath, downloadPath := range config.WatchDownloadPaths {
config.WatchDownloadPaths[filepath.Clean(watchPath)] = filepath.Clean(downloadPath)
if config.ConcurrentDownloads == 0 {
config.ConcurrentDownloads = 1
if logger == nil {
logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)
fsWatcher, err := fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for watchPath := range config.WatchDownloadPaths {
err = fsWatcher.Add(watchPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rtClient := rtorrent.New(config.RtorrentAddr, config.RtorrentInsecureCert)
rtClient.SetAuth(config.RtorrentUsername, config.RtorrentPassword)
sftpClient, err := easysftp.Connect(&easysftp.ClientConfig{
Username: config.SSHUsername,
Password: config.SSHPassword,
KeyPath: config.SSHKeyPath,
Host: config.SSHAddr,
Timeout: config.SSHTimeout,
FileMode: config.DownloadFileMode,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Queue{
rtClient: rtClient,
sftpClient: sftpClient,
fsWatcher: fsWatcher,
config: config,
downloadQueue: make(map[string]string),
logger: logger,
}, nil
// Close all of the connections and watchers
func (q *Queue) Close() []error {
errs := []error{}
err := q.sftpClient.Close()
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
err = q.fsWatcher.Close()
if err != nil {
errs = append(errs, err)
return errs
func (q *Queue) updateTorrentList() error {
// lock for torrentList
defer q.lock.Unlock()
torrents, err := q.rtClient.GetTorrents(rtorrent.ViewMain)
if err != nil {
return err
torrentList := make(map[string]rtorrent.Torrent)
for _, torrent := range torrents {
torrentList[torrent.Hash] = torrent
q.torrentList = torrentList
q.torrentListUpdate = time.Now()
return nil
func (q *Queue) addTorrentFilePath(path string) error {
// lock for downloadQueue
defer q.lock.Unlock()
torrentData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
torrentHash, err := metainfo.GetTorrentHashHexString(bytes.NewReader(torrentData))
if err != nil {
return err
q.downloadQueue[torrentHash] = path
return q.rtClient.AddTorrent(torrentData)
func (q *Queue) getFinishedTorrents() []rtorrent.Torrent {
// lock for torrentList
defer q.lock.RUnlock()
torrents := []rtorrent.Torrent{}
for hash, torrentPath := range q.downloadQueue {
torrent, exists := q.torrentList[hash]
if !exists {
err := q.addTorrentFilePath(torrentPath)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Unable to add torrent '%s' error '%s'", torrentPath, err)
if !torrent.Completed {
torrents = append(torrents, torrent)
return torrents
func (q *Queue) downloadTorrents(torrents []rtorrent.Torrent) {
// lock for downloadQueue
defer q.lock.RUnlock()
done := make(chan bool, q.config.ConcurrentDownloads)
var running uint
for _, torrent := range torrents {
if !torrent.Completed {
torrent.Hash = strings.ToUpper(torrent.Hash)
torrentFilePath, exists := q.downloadQueue[torrent.Hash]
if !exists {
if running >= q.config.ConcurrentDownloads {
var downloadPath string
destDownloadPath := q.config.WatchDownloadPaths[filepath.Dir(torrentFilePath)]
if q.config.TempDownloadPath == "" {
downloadPath = destDownloadPath
} else {
downloadPath = filepath.Join(q.config.TempDownloadPath, destDownloadPath)
if info, err := os.Stat(downloadPath); os.IsExist(err) {
if !info.IsDir() {
q.logger.Printf("Unable to downlaod to temp path '%s' since it is not a directory", downloadPath)
err := os.MkdirAll(downloadPath, q.config.DownloadFileMode)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Unable to create temp download path '%s' error '%s'", downloadPath, err)
go func(torrentFilePath string, downloadPath string, torrent rtorrent.Torrent) {
err := q.sftpClient.Mirror(torrent.Path, downloadPath)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Failed to download '%s' to '%s' error '%s'", torrent.Path, downloadPath, err)
done <- false
// we need to move the downlaod from the temp directory to the destination
if downloadPath != destDownloadPath {
fileName := filepath.Base(torrent.Path)
downFullPath := filepath.Join(downloadPath, fileName)
destFullPath := filepath.Join(destDownloadPath, fileName)
err = os.Rename(downFullPath, destFullPath)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Failed to move temp path '%s' to dest path '%s' error '%s'", downFullPath, destFullPath, err)
done <- false
parentTorrentPath := filepath.Dir(torrentFilePath)
if movePath, exists := q.config.FinishedTorrentFilePath[parentTorrentPath]; exists {
destFullPath := filepath.Join(movePath, filepath.Base(torrentFilePath))
err = os.Rename(torrentFilePath, destFullPath)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Failed to move torrent file from '%s' to '%s' error '%s'", torrentFilePath, destFullPath, err)
} else {
err = os.Remove(torrentFilePath)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Failed to remove torrent file '%s' error '%s'", torrentFilePath, err)
delete(q.downloadQueue, torrent.Hash)
done <- true
}(torrentFilePath, downloadPath, torrent)
for running > 0 {
// Run executes all steps needed for looking at the queue, catching updates, and processing all work
func (q *Queue) Run(stop <-chan bool) {
// for the initial run, load all files in the specified directories
for localPath := range q.config.WatchDownloadPaths {
files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(localPath)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Unable to read local path '%s' error '%s'", localPath, err)
for _, file := range files {
if file.IsDir() {
fullPath := filepath.Join(localPath, file.Name())
err = q.addTorrentFilePath(fullPath)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Failed to add torrent at '%s' error '%s'", fullPath, err)
go func() {
err := q.updateTorrentList()
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Failed to update torrent list from rTorrent: '%s'", err)
if q.config.TorrentListUpdateInterval == 0 {
} else {
// watch all directories for file changes
var err error
finished := false
for !finished {
select {
case event := <-q.fsWatcher.Events:
if event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write ||
event.Op&fsnotify.Create == fsnotify.Create ||
event.Op&fsnotify.Rename == fsnotify.Rename {
// skip files that do not end with .torrent
if !strings.HasSuffix(event.Name, ".torrent") {
q.logger.Printf("Adding %s to download queue", event.Name)
err = q.addTorrentFilePath(event.Name)
if err != nil {
q.logger.Printf("Failed to add '%s' error '%s'", event.Name, err)
case err = <-q.fsWatcher.Errors:
q.logger.Printf("Error while watching folders '%s'", err)
case <-stop:
finished = true