# Etch Etch is a simple, responsive theme for [Hugo](https://gohugo.io) with a focus on writing. A live demo is available at https://themes.gohugo.io/theme/etch/. ![screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LukasJoswiak/etch/master/images/screenshot_small.png) ## Features: * Homepage with list of posts. * Support for pages. * Responsive design for optimized mobile experience. * Syntax highlighting with customizable theme. * Dark theme which automatically adjusts based on users' setting ([example](https://github.com/LukasJoswiak/etch/wiki/Dark-mode)). * No external dependencies, no JavaScript, no web fonts. ## Installation To install `etch`, clone the repository into the `themes` folder in the root of your site. ``` $ git clone git@github.com:LukasJoswiak/etch.git themes/etch ``` Then, use the theme to generate your site. ``` $ hugo server -t etch ``` Read the [wiki](https://github.com/LukasJoswiak/etch/wiki) to learn about more options. ***Note**: if you are using Netlify to host your site, you must [add Etch as a submodule](https://gohugo.io/hosting-and-deployment/hosting-on-netlify/#use-hugo-themes-with-netlify) instead of cloning.*