# Discovery [![Documentation](https://godoc.org/gitlab.com/tblyler/discovery?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/gitlab.com/tblyler/discovery) `discovery` is a pure [Go](https://golang.org) library to provide simple abstractions to discover other hosts on networks. ## Documentation The [`discovery` documentation for source code is available on GoDoc](https://godoc.org/gitlab.com/tblyler/discovery) or you can run: ```bash godoc gitlab.com/tblyler/discovery ``` ## Testing Most tests do not require an active network. However, for the ones that do, they only utilize the loopback device and bind to an automatically assigned port via the `0` port. ```bash go test -cover gitlab.com/tblyler/discovery ``` ## Examples Usable examples are [located here](./examples) or run: ```bash go get gitlab.com/tblyler/discovery/examples/... ```